Jade Pearl Update/Build Log | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jade Pearl Update/Build Log

Alright, not ran exactly how I wanted, just made it work in a way that's still safe enough to not be a fire hazard, but still work as intended. Which, as you can see, it does! Least by my guess it does, based on when I last drove it should be around that temp still

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"Always Busy Performing Redneck Science"... didn't disappoint!

Small update, finally threw on the steering stabilizer, not like a day and night difference, but definitely nice. Even did like I hoped and helped with my steering pulling to the right, mechanic and I both can't figure out why, thought it was out if alignment but we tried and it just pulls right either way, but this thing stiffens the wheel steering a smidge and helps fight that some, less ya took a hand off the wheel ya really didn't notice the pull anyway, but this was definitely a nice add on. Though funny enough ya have to install the one frame bracket upside down...so it supposedly goes the square side on the frame but there's a sensor bracket welded on right where it should be, which is strange, even in reviews I found one rig set the right way which I'm guessing was somewhere in the 88-94 range before the mid gen electronic add-ons, but the other set of pictures threw it on like I did mine, which I don't see too much issue with, but definitely strange

Meant to get more done, but don't have the time today, but may get done tomorrow. Mostly being rear tire spacers, least going to try and see how they are in wise of matching with the front; along with some mudflaps to help with the rock slinging least at other cars. A/C getting repaired soon too


Small update, finally threw on the steering stabilizer, not like a day and night difference, but definitely nice. Even did like I hoped and helped with my steering pulling to the right, mechanic and I both can't figure out why, thought it was out if alignment but we tried and it just pulls right either way, but this thing stiffens the wheel steering a smidge and helps fight that some, less ya took a hand off the wheel ya really didn't notice the pull anyway, but this was definitely a nice add on. Though funny enough ya have to install the one frame bracket upside down...so it supposedly goes the square side on the frame but there's a sensor bracket welded on right where it should be, which is strange, even in reviews I found one rig set the right way which I'm guessing was somewhere in the 88-94 range before the mid gen electronic add-ons, but the other set of pictures threw it on like I did mine, which I don't see too much issue with, but definitely strange

Meant to get more done, but don't have the time today, but may get done tomorrow. Mostly being rear tire spacers, least going to try and see how they are in wise of matching with the front; along with some mudflaps to help with the rock slinging least at other cars. A/C getting repaired soon too

View attachment 454513
Don't know how you're surviving in FL without A/C?? We're going to get low 80s and 65% humidity, which is why I'm going to have to find the vacuum leak in my Ex - I'm sure it's a lot hotter by you! You sure do a lot of DIY, respect!

Don't know how you're surviving in FL without A/C?? We're going to get low 80s and 65% humidity, which is why I'm going to have to find the vacuum leak in my Ex - I'm sure it's a lot hotter by you! You sure do a lot of DIY, respect!
93 right now, feels like 103, 57% humidity, it sucks but my drink, this fan and the trucks vents least make it tolerable, not great but tolerable. But I also work in a hot kitchen for a living, live at a home that didn't have a/c working for 21 years of my life, so I'm partially just used to it I guess lmao
But soon enough cause damn I'm tired of it, especially riding around in my girlfriends rav4 that does have working a/c.
More DIY coming too, just got some nice scrap metal from an old teacher of mine, may make some skid plates out of it, not like rocking crawling style, but tougher than plastic or having nothing lmao



Mudflaps and rear spacers finally on, need to put the front flaps on eventually too, least I should for the rocks. But the rear looks pretty darn good! First two shots are before, the rest are all after, which definitely matches the front offset a lot better, still unsure if I like that or not, looks good but I did like it before too. Next is a/c and I do still need to order new rear brakes, but that won't be for a bit, the a/c and the explorer as a whole are going to be primary since the brakes work fantastic in the front and they're my main concern, the rears ain't too bad yet.
I also may try and make a reinforcement for the mudflaps so they can be angled forwards and backwards from the tire, rather than blowing in the wind...







Looking sharp! Though... i thikn you need these flaps

Looking sharp! Though... i thikn you need these flaps View attachment 455017
I'm not big on stickers and such, plus I like the diamond plate rubber to match my custom body fillers right beside them like seen on the last picture, but those are fun lmao

A/C finally fixed! Didn't replace everything I originally planned, but the compressor was all I needed! Works so good! And don't "think" there's a leak, but I'll be keeping an eye on it, also going to get a thermometer so I can actually tell the temp, but dang is it nice to finally have cold air for a change!




Well, first test of the a/c, went out for a nice evening picnic and star gazing night with my girlfriend. A/C definitely doesn't blow like I wish it did and recirculate clearly doesn't work, but it still was so much nicer than just plain vent! Evening went well, we cleaned the area up considerably of cans, bullet shells and other lil' things. Had a lil' fun while we were out there, I'll try and nab pictures tomorrow but the trucks a bit muddier than I planned for it to be lol
Picture of a couple bullet parts we found, found easily over a hundred shells, only those three ends though. Mesh tarp again worked great for keeping cool, watching the sky, and keeping bugs sway, forgot my prop rods though, so an umbrella worked decent! Lmao










When I saw this picture, I thought of how it feels to sit in the CA sun 🤣 Although past few days have been good to me

Well, apparently a thunderstorm rolled through this morning and only left a mud glaze, but still not bad for a 2wd without too much mud to work with. Those tires don't hold back when it comes to slinging, mud flaps did practically nothing too lol




You sir are living the good life!

You sir are living the good life!
Trying to for sure! Usually broke as crap, and/or slightly in debt, but I've learned how to have fun while being poor! I mean, my canopy setups are literally tarps and random poles I've found and/or sticks usually as prop rods for said tarps, that's my camping setup along with a blanket in the bed. Ya learn to live with whatcha got, besides, I'd say you're living pretty good too, got some fun rigs over there!

@DemonMudder True story! Fabric and poles come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, and if you have them sitting around, then they're free!

The good life is a matter of how you look at it, not a matter of how much you spend on it.

Exactly, cheap and yet do the same as these expensive canopies you can buy!

Yeah, but lack of spending allows you to spend on stuff you want for the good life, so it helps in the end. Being able to save up, then go out on trips like that are what make it good. We both agreed we gotta do that more and man do I miss going out there too. Definitely a good one so far, least trying to make it that way! I do like that phrase choice too

Alrighty, new lil' side project, got some like 3-4" marker lights to throw on the rigs, compared to the lil' ones I put in the grille of the explorer way back, dimmer than the lil' ones but still not bad. Want to throw two on the hitch of this truck, maybe two in the front bumper too; that leaves six of them, maybe throw four on the explorer similar to that, and then maybe two on the mazda? Or do like the kids these days and throw those last two under the rado or X as underglow up front and back lol



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Threw some extra running lights on the rear end, not bright really at all, kinda saddening honestly, but I'm happy with it, don't care to change it either, they're just to make me more visible so, they do their job. Got like 8 more to use somewhere, thinking two more in the front bumper, maybe two in the new explorer front bumper, and MAYBE two in the explorer rear bumper/hitch too, last one is an eh, so it leaves 2-4 of them left to find uses for eventually. But I've still got six of the lil' green chicken lights I used in the explorers grille, which I may add two of under the tailgate of this truck as extra blinkers, or I'll use two more of the new ones for that.






