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Jeep Liberty SUV Rolls Over in Test

Originally posted by Robert
Even if the Jeep Liberty gets rear-ended by a car, the point of impact will be on the spare tire. It hangs down in front of the rear bumper which renders the bumper useless.

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Seems like another wonderfull Jeep engineering idea!
:roll: :shoot:

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C/D recently did a comparo of the Liberty to the Freelander, and they said it sucked on the road. Of course, the Ford product won the comparo :)

Well come on guys

I really like Jeeps.....THE WAY THEY WERE! This is just another way that these marketing people (who think they know what the public wants) mess things up..... I mean who really sends in these opinion polls? Yuppie weekenders who have so much time on their hands. I mean.....really IF IT AIN'T BROKE...DON"T FIX IT!... People like us tend to just leave it be and hope they don't try new and "innovative" things..... These marketing people take these surveys and ask the average (uuh the people who actually sit and fill out the card anyway) vehicle buyer what he or she would like to see and have in their vehicle.... Then they take it, run with it and go to the extreme! Most of the time the vehicles end up looking extremely ugly! They also have all kinds of extremely useless (yuppies think these things are neato). items..... (example: The First Aide kit in the Nissan Xterra uuh do really NEED a special body compartment for this item? Can;t place one under a seat or something? sheesh) But you get my point.... And as far as off- road worthiness.....well that thing would just look like the aleins have landed in the middle of the woods......

I'll just scream if they stop making the Wrangler now...


Originally posted by mmpc
Indeed, for the 2001 model year, Ford sold 394,198 Explorers!

Good! There will be lots of used ones around when I can afford one in 2008! Hopefully my '94 will last until then... :D

Originally posted by GinaGem

Good! There will be lots of used ones around when I can afford one in 2008! Hopefully my '94 will last until then... :D
Just out of curiousity... whats in 2008???

PS... Jeeps suck... I drove one Once (limited) and i never want to do it again.

Jeeps are ok. I loved the Cherokee. The wrangler is alright but somewhere (one of the car magazine websites) I read taht in 2005 or 2007 or something Jeep might put IFS in the Wrangler. Once they do that its all downhill.

I read in 2008 the Explorer loses it's frame and beomes unibody... Even more yuck!:banghead:

old jeeps rule the world. new jeeps are for rich teenage girls, 'nuff said.

the only good part about them is the 5.9L when my x (a rich/spoiled teenage girl) had one of those i had tons of fun, but only going in a straight line. ford put a dohc 4.6 in the old body style explorer and give it to me. please. i will drive it and advertise, i'll even take it to all of the shows you want. it can be like that car dodge has with the viper motor stuffed in it. we'll start a mod motor aftermarket shoehorning craze.

Expo, I'm with ya on the Jeep. That 5.9 can go!!! I love that thing!

Well, don't forget that dodge also has the 5.9...I'd rather drive a Durango then a cherokee....but that's just me...

But Jared, if you put that 5.9 in a smallish Grand Cherokee, it moves you a whole lot faster than the Durango.

yeah, my x :smoke: 5.9 durangos, but i won't even race the 5.9 limited. most of those have a chip, intake, and exhaust on top of their already stout mill. My friends ran mid 14s without any aspiration, internal engine work, or nitrous.

Originally posted by NoBoundaries
Rick, you have to bare in mind, and I believe Chrysler mentioned this in AutoWeek's article, that the Jeep Liberty is a vehicle specifically designed for offroad use.
<<cough>> <<cough>>:rolleyes: :D

Off Road being in the time between it leave and the hit again, to finish its rolling......that about as much off raod as it will ever see.

The Jeep Liberty WAS designed for extreme off road use!

......and thats just why it came equiped form factory with Goodyear SRA tires.


Originally posted by mmpc
I hope tdavis never purchases one of those!!! :D It's about time the self-important Jeep got a dose of reality...
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I'll make my answer as clear as posible on this jab.. er, opinion..

I simply *hate* jeeps. I will not buy one. There is nothing in the Jeep line I'd buy today. Except for the d44 axles from a late 70's wagoneer..
