Jeep Safari in Moab | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jeep Safari in Moab


Elite Explorer
February 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Salt Lake, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Eddie Bauer
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone here was going to the jeep safari in moab on easter weekend. There are hundreds if not thousands of jeeps that go on the trails. I'm not sure if they allow Explorers to do it but it's really fun to watch all the different jeeps there are and to see all the mods that they have done to them. You also get to see how some people make it over some obstacles while others can't and you can see what it takes to go over certain obstacles since there are so many jeeps there.

There are plenty of trails in Moab that Stock Explorers could handle.
It's fun even if you do the easy stuff to go and watch the Jeeps beat themselves up, plus no matter what trail you do the scenery is awsome.

I've been going down there for the past 4 years and have never seen much of a turnout for the Explorers.

I'd be cool to see some more down there, especially the guys that are able to handle the 4+ trails.
Somebody needs to show the Jeepers that other vehicles are offroad capable too.

So can any vehicle go on any of the trails or do you have to get with a group or something to go on them?

I'd be cool to see some more down there, especially the guys that are able to handle the 4+ trails.

It would be nice if more explorers did go down just to show everyone what they're capable of. So about what level can a stock explorer handle down there? I was thinking most of the moderate trails but wasn't for sure.
