jeep style doors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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jeep style doors


April 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Raleigh, North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport
all of my friends have jeep cherrokes and are about to make there doors fast removal like a wrangler. i was wondering if there was a way to do it for an explorer?

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This is a good question. All it really would be is put a jeep style hinge on the outside and probably re-enforce inside the door.

Explorer doors are heavy. I started making half doors last summer and even with all the guts taken out, they still require two people to remove them. However, if you replace your door pins with the one's in Derocha's door pin replacement thread, it's only a matter of pupping off a c-clip, sliding the pins out and walking away with the doors.

The main problem that I got hung up on was what to do with the wires. I suppose you could make some sort of custom quick disconnect harness in case you want to use your speakers with your 'jeep style doors.'

an idea i have toyed with would be get a pair of X doors from a junkyard (probly way less than $100) and take off the door skin. make tube doors tha fit with quick "jeep style" pins and mount the bottom half of the door skin to them. then make a removable top to the door that would hook to the bottom. you would loose the window function and probly have to replace it with lexan windows or something imovable and break proof. this would be lighter and easier to take on/off and then when winter set in (thicker door = more insulation) youd be able to just bolt on the old doors. summer comes around bolt back up the tube frame half doors. ill try and find my scetches of this concept and load it on here...

The door skin idea is very good. You could use let's say exhaust pipe and cover it with say aluminum might take a little metal rolling but you could make a light weight whole door.. I could draw up what Im talking about

thanks guys these ideas are great. and if you can find or draw those sketches for me i would appreciate it
