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Jeep T-Case


Well-Known Member
February 28, 2007
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
Ok so I was in my friend's Jeep earlier today and I noticed that his 4x4 options seemed a lot more inclusive than mine/ours. His T-case shifter had a 2wd, part-time 4x4, full time 4x4, neutral, and 4x4 low. Assuming that part-time 4x4 is comparable to our AWD system, why do they have so many more options? And going one step further, has anyone put that T-case on an explorer? i feel like it wouldn't work but I really have no idea.

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Putting it in would be too costly (face adapter, resplines, etc...) for no beneft what so ever. If you really want a true transfer case thats beyond whats came with that Jeep and the Explorer, look at the AdvancedAdapter Atlas series of transfer cases -- just be ready to shell out at least $2k.

Part time 4x4 isnt really comparable to AWD -- its more comparable to "AUTO". And AWD only came in the 5.0 engines.

Putting it in would be too costly (face adapter, resplines, etc...) for no beneft what so ever. If you really want a true transfer case thats beyond whats came with that Jeep and the Explorer, look at the AdvancedAdapter Atlas series of transfer cases -- just be ready to shell out at least $2k.

Part time 4x4 isnt really comparable to AWD -- its more comparable to "AUTO". And AWD only came in the 5.0 engines.

Not saying that I wanted to do it I was just curious... Not looking to do any major mods in that aspect. What's different about the Atlas? I've read about people throwing it in there but never knew what was different about it.

Everything is different -- biggest difference is it doesn't use a chain, but rather all gears. You can also disable the rear output allowing the vehicle to do "front end diggs".

Learn somethin new everyday. I guess putting all the power to the front wheels could be good in many situations. The Atlas sounds pretty interesting so I'm gonna do a little searching to learn some more about it... Thanks IZ :thumbsup:
