Jet Chip installed in a 97 explorer. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jet Chip installed in a 97 explorer.


Active Member
November 5, 2000
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City, State
Chicago, Il
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport
After reading around the site and listening to people comment about their chips and what everyone thinks of the Jet chip I decided I would go with it per explorerexpress's recommendation seeing that they run and test most of the stuff they sell. Even though a few people believe the chip is worthless I went with it anyways.

The only way to get a good judgement of the chips performance differences was to invite 2 buddys over who have drove my truck before. We all took the truck out for a spin street and highway. Then I brought her back to the garage and installed the Jet chip.

Took me roughly 1 beer. Or 10 minutes whichever comes first too install the chip. VERY EASY! :). Then after we put the chip in we all took her out for another test drive. I have roughly 92,000 miles on my truck with 4.10 gears to spin my 33x12.5 tires. First thing we noticed was changing of shift points if you lay on the gas it would rid the RPM's out a lot longer and shift much quicker. If you are driving like and old lady it drops the rpms really low to help on the gas.

Another thing is I can get my rear wheels to spin now a bit if I punch it off the line. The transmission seems to respond MUCH quicker. When you floor the truck in over drive it use to wait a good 1 or 2 seconds before kicking in. Its almost instant now.

I don't know how much of a gain I really got from the chip overall from the chip but I can tell you im happy with my choice and I trust explorerexpress. All of my buddys decided they would be looking into chips for their cars/trucks after seeing how easy it was to install and how it made the truck perform. This is only my opinion but im not disappointed at all with my choice.

Next Modifcations is a K&N II cold air kit. :) Should be here by the end of the week!

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I too am running the jet chip. I can't say that I have been disappointed with this chip. It really does give the extra punch you may need. I am begining to wonder if everything I have done could benefit from custom programing. I have done a lot of work to my X, and would like to see (experiment purpose), the JET and the Apten on the dyno. My OHV (besides a new cam) is complete with power mods so this should be a good reference for what to expect after a white knuckle OHV is built

While out at carlise last weekend, I had the chance to put my files in an 89 Super coupe that already had a jet chip. The base pull with the Jet chip made 207RWHP, and the air fuel was decent. I would imaging it would have made a few less HP without the jet chip.

anyways, after putting in my files, and we ended up with 226RWHP. I didn't have to do anything significant with my base file, but it took two pulls to get some data on a gauge problem he was having. So 3 runs later when we did pull #4 the intake temps were up 20 degrees. I know it's not an explorer, but it should give some idea of the difference between Apten and Jet programming. Dyno run #1 was jet, run #4 was apten.


So Brian are saying that I shouldn't even bother. Don't answer that. I know what your saying. John and I would like to do the test . I have a pretty good idea what to expect. John seem less than convinced that the HP gain will not be that significant too justify buying another chip. I too believe that if I see a +2-5RWHP gain that this probably isn't enough. Now if we are talking +10-18RWHP gain then that is a different story. You wouldn't be willing to aid in sponsoring this test would you? Let me know if smashing JET chips might be of intersest to you.

I would be interested in doing a side by side test myself. Would be fun and good for the business that wins I bet :)

Hi Guy's

I had my jet chip in my x for bout 2 years know with no problem what so ever. But one thing i thought when i installed it was that i really didn't gain any thing from the chip. But i was wrong just about three weeks ago i got my bbk 66mm TB in i installed it and desided to take my jet chip out because of all the post about the jet chip is a waste of money. Well i tell you know that i have been driving my x for bout 3 weeks know with out the chip. I can tell you that the chip does make a difference my tranny is not as responseve any more i notice a little lack of power. So i think i will be put my jet chip back in and save my money and buy the mac intank tube and bigger mass sensor instead of buying the apten chip.

Basically i am saying the chip does make a diffrence. I agree with JohnB that the jet chip is not a waste of money because i can tell the diffrence when i had the chip in and when i toke it out.

Just my 2 cent

Delfino Gabriel Mendez

It will make a difference there is no doubt in that. I have done everything that can be done. Now that I have just installed 24lb injectors, 75mm MAF. These are way outside the normal fuel curves for the 4.0 OHV. Now that I have the extra duty cycle allowed by my injector upgrade there is potential for more HP. <FUEL+<AIR=<HP. I am pretty certain that Brian will be able to utilize this extra capacity for a white knuckle experience.

Doesn't the use of a Jet chip require installing a cool temp thermostat? Have any of you Jet chip owners done so?

We've been trying to get my apten running properly since last November... I wish it was plug and play like the majority here. I'm trying to keep the faith but... :banghead:

Doesn't the use of a Jet chip require installing a cool temp thermostat? Have any of you Jet chip owners done so

I bought jet SS termodstat when i got the jet chip make the vehicle run cooler. The temostat is cooler so it open's sooner. Cooler you keep the engine the better your off.

Delfino Gabriel Mendez

I ordered one today. I just installed the K&N intake kit. Waiting for the thermostat now ill let everyone know if it seems to change the why it performs.

if you jet chip owners want to do a trial on the apten, let me know and we can set somthing up. To do a trial we do need to hold a credit card number though. We also ask that people do the trial that would consider going with a different chip if it was much better than what they already have.

