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JL Audio Sub


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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04 EB V8
I have a Q-logic stealth box in my X. I had a 10" Rockford Sub in it. I bought a JL Audio 10W1 sub, & replaced it. WOW!!!! What a difference! That JL Audio sub rocks! Sounds alot better, is louder, & the bass is bass now. Not a thud like with the RF sub. JL Audio ROCKS!

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yeah, you probably had a RF Punch or Punch Z sub in there. for some reason RF is becoming a "cheap" brand name. soon to be in the same category as Legacy, Pyle, and Pyramid. their amp's are still decent, but the new subs (even the top of the line Power HX2) are very unimpressive. the bass seems "pathetic"

i guess since Best Buy bought a piece of Rockford Fosgate, they influenced the decision to make cheaper subs that perform like entry level or worse. it's a shame. Seven years ago RF was one of the best (just like Cerwin Vega was).

I had a JL in my old truck.

It was great. I went from two JBL 10's to one JL Audio 10W1, and it was louder and cleaner. A well made box helped too. I love their, subs they work great.

And just think.......
It took me asking two or three times if anyone wanted to buy my JL10W1 from my stealthbox before I replaced it with a 10W6.
Now, the secret's out.


JL audio

You are right, JL does rock! i just replaced 2 12" rockford punchs with 2 12" JL W3's. The difference blows me away, The bass is much deeper and fuller.

Re: JL audio

Originally posted by benj1213
You are right, JL does rock! i just replaced 2 12" rockford punchs with 2 12" JL W3's. The difference blows me away, The bass is much deeper and fuller.

that's a Really big difference!
going from rockford's entry level sub to JL's SPL sub.

leenjen- ya that is a pretty huge change in subs, right now i have the new kenwood kas-819 amp, the 450 watt, goin to the subs. do you think thats big enough to keep them kicken all day?! if not, what do you suggest i do, i know i dont need a cap, though i have heard good things about them. what do you think?

which JL12w3 is it? is it the D2, D4, or D6? How many Ohms are you running it at? if you want the JL 12W3 subs to hit hard and play for 8 hours straight, i wouldn't give them any more than 100 watts each (RMS). if you give them more, and play for a really long time, the voice coils will melt. remember more power = more heat...

i think that amp is perfect if you are running it @2ohms mono.

i dont think you need a cap. with your setup, it probably wont even make a difference. just make sure your power wires are thick enough.

ya it is runnig at 2 ohms mono, but im not sure if they are D2, 4, or 6. I got then at tweeter for $200 a piece. Do you have any idea what the db level might be with this system, or would i just have to get it done myself? One more question, which way should i have my box face? i know it should face towards the back because of the vibrations, but a worker at best buy said i should face it towards the front of my car? why would he say that?!

he said that because he works at best buy and doesnt know a damn thing about car audio.
when the box is rear facing in the explorer, the cabin gain will cause a +3db increase. you were right. dont listen to him. not only that, but when the subwoofers are forward facing, the sound is kinda flat. the bass doesnt seem as smooth. you can also face the box up, but most people (including me) prefer rear facing.

since i have 4 - 15" Orions now, i have to have mine facing up. but i'm designing a new system for my explorer, and i want the sub(s) to be rear facing.

wow, 4-15" orions that is badass. do you enter it in shows? there is an IASCA show comin to my area of town in a week, so im sure i will see some amazing systems. What do you think about these new W7's? i know everyone at my school is making them out to be the best subs soon available.

they look like good subs (haven't heard them, so i cant comment on performance), but it's all a matter of preference. i like the JLW3 series the best, but some people prefer the W6's.

no, i haven't done any db drags or sq competitions. i'm not really competitive when it comes to my system. i change it every few months, and always get compliments. but i'm only building my system for me. as long as it sounds good at all volumes, i'm happy.
