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jl w3's?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2001
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san rafael, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 sport, 90gt
ok my firend is thinking about selling 2 JL w3 12"s and was wondering if the amp i have will push them. i have the sony xplode 1000w peak power.
i dont know if any of you remember butive been trying to find good subs for this thing for a while and dont exactly have alot of money to spend....
any suggestions? i was kinda thinking about nice 10"s instead. and cant really afford to spend more then 200 a sub

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your amp will definately push them. it might even be too much for them. on the spec sheet i have for them, it lists a power handling of up to 250 watts each (i'm not sure if it's peak or rms).

hmmmm.... i really dont want to destroy another set of subs. i thought the rms on the w3's is like 500

500 might be the peak. if the rms is 250, then you should be fine. your amp is 1000 watts peak, so it's probably 500 watts rms. two subs together will handle the 500 watts since one handles 250.

if that's the case, then you're set.


jl w3s

I have two w3s with a kenwood excelron 1200 mono block amp and it just keeps up with the jls.w3s kick ass,I was running 2 ohm.Brad in Iowa

I am running one 12w3 with the old punch 100ix that was under rated. Bridged it is pushing more than 100 watts and it slams i can only imagine what two of them sound like. Although when i went to the stereo shop they told me to either buy one or buy three becuase that would be better then having two. Something to do with the load impeidance or some **** like that.

well thats if you get the dual 6 ohm model. they also sell the w3 in dual 2 ohm and dual 4 ohm.
he probably has the dual 4 ohm since that is the most common if you are running 2 subs. the dual 2 ohm is more common if you have 1 or 4 subs. and the dual 6 ohm (not too popular) is if you are running 3 subs.
they all handle the same power, just different voice coils.

yeh i still need to talk to my friend too see if hes going to sell em to me.
