June EF Lottery | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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June EF Lottery

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Keep on wheelin John Rock
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
August 17, 2009
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York, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer
The theme for the June EF Lottery is "Vacation". For the month of June, post media or a story of vacation time either with your rig, friends, or family. This can also be a area you plan to do vacation time, does not have to be somewhere you have been.

Ending and drawing date is on or about July 1st, 2018.

Goal: To encourage members of the Explorer Forum to submit a photo and/or vid, or written story in accordance with the theme and award two members with an one year elite membership.

Only one submission to be entered into the drawing per member. Submission can contain multiable pics and or video(s) and/or links to pics/vids. Members are encouraged to post positive feedback

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At this point my explorer isnt used for much except vacations.

In July I'll be taking the old guy across the country. Plan on doing some wheeling, mtn biking, gambling, and seeing family and friends. Ought to be a good trip.

These pictures are from OBX beach, and "south of the border"



I never got to go as a kid, so my kids (13 and 14) are taking me to Legoland California on Father's Day.

This trip is only possible due to a friend letting me stay for free at a house in Carlsbad that they own. I'm disabled and after 4 surgeries, not getting any better. So this will likely be the last vacation I manage with my kids, as kids.

Ahh, the Outer Banks. Wonderful area for vacationing...just relax and do next to nothing. I'll be headed down there this weekend, in my '03 XLT, for a week of relaxation. My girlfriend rented the same house as she did last year...and I drove the Explorer down there then as well. I was a little worried about how much stuff we had taken with us and being able to have at least *some* space left in the backseat; her mom also rode down with us. We had the truck loaded down pretty good and it looks like this year is going to be a repeat. Even though we figured out what we don't need to take this time, we also discovered a couple things we *would* need this time...so I think the load is going to even out this year.

Then the weekend after we get back from OBX, we'll be going camping by Luray Caverns for that weekend. With all the stuff we take for that, I've always had to fold the rear seats down to fit everything. No backseat space available. So, she's going to be driving her car too since her mother, niece, and nephew will be coming along as well. I did consider trying to rent a small trailer but there really aren't too many trailer rentals around here other than U-Haul.

Campin' and beachin'...that's where my Explorer's been. :)

I don't get many vacations, especially ones that I can take the Explorer, but a pic is from the 4 Wheel Jamboree that I go to with my dad every year in Ohio and Indianapolis sometimes too. Of course I am always the only Explorer, but it is always a great time.

The other pic is from the annual Christmas parade at Badlands Off Road Park in Indiana. Everyone dresses their off-road rigs up and rides around the town throwing candy to the kids. And its for a great cause too.

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Taking a Saturday trip to the range at a local lake is about the closest we will get to a vacation around here.




and caught this photo op on the way back.

I'm happy to report a moderately bruised shoulder, a shotgun that needs more tuning, and a fully functioning AC on the Mountaineer.


Well, I am not one for "Vacationing" as it is typically viewed. No Hawaii, Mexico, Disneyland etc for me. My wife does that, cruises with her sisters and such. I am a much more simple man. Me, My brother, My son and some friends, a weekend in the mountains with some firearms, beers (not at the same time of course), maybe some fishing and definitely the Explorer. Over the holiday weekend last month I took the X out with her newly fitted 35x13.50s on 15x10 steelies. Rub a little bit in the front and barely clear in the back. I have since then fixed the rubbing problem in the front with a cutoff wheel :sawzall: Had some good wheeling, did a little custom body work on the driver's side doors and a custom weight reduction (mirror delete) courtesy of a tree. Unfortunately the weekend was cut short for an alternator failure but the silver lining was that the local Pick'n'Pull was having their Memorial Day Weekend sale and I got one for $20 with a two year free replacement plan. I do need to address the cooling system though, as the stock cooling system doesn't seem to have the juice to keep that thing cool on 35's when it's banging out RPMs in the mud, or climbing long up sloping trails.


Flexed 2.png

What would a 3,600 mile road trip be without replacing a 2-Row radiator on the road?


...with basic handtools.


Cooling system testing at the top of Mt Butler, Tonopah, NV.


Some "random" mailbox on the corner of Highway 375 and Back Gate Rd, Rachel, NV.


Highway 375, Rachel, NV.


Proof of life...




Just took my 2013 FPIU cross-country with no problems. I’m also a big Jeep guy (gasp), so I stopped in Toledo to see the Wrangler factory and the Willys-Overland factory, where they built the WWII jeeps and CJs. All that’s left of the original factory is the smokestack, so had to stop and take a photo of my Explorer in front of the stack.




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Just for the record, This is the most awesome Explorer I have ever seen!!!

I saw one of the real ones in Branson a few years ago. It survived the tornado that nearly wiped out the town.



Poor thing :(

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Thank you for not picking me. I will continue to contribute when I can, but have no intention of winning.:thumbsup:

It’s not picking a winner(s), it is a random drawing, I have been using a deck of cards this year, whichever card matches the post number wins. The drawing goes by post number, I do not use the op’s name in the drawing. That way I do not know which submission won until I match card to number, this is done while not on the site.
Please keep playing! I see so many great submissions!

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