Just bought new speakers, should I get an Amp?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just bought new speakers, should I get an Amp??


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2000
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1995 Sport 2wd
I just ordered 4 5x7 infinity kappa speakers. Do you guys think I should get an amp to power these? If yes, what kind?

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I have the same speakers and to tell ya the truth, they sound just fine without an amp, especially since you have an aftermarket head unit. You could get an amp, and I'm sure they'd be better, but personally, for me they're good enough.

What kinda amp do u guys recommend if I did decide to get one? Somethin not too expensive...

where did you guys mount the crossover thing ( the little black box) when you installed the speakers

I also would like to know how to mount them. I was in a hurry so i just put them inside the door panel loosely, and every time i hit a bump they hit against the sides and its gettin annoying, let me know!

My crossovers are mounted under the front part of the console. The location is working just fine.

I recently installed a set of Kenwood KFC-XR61P and installed the crossover above the door speaker under the door panel. I'm not sure about the size difference between the Infinity and the Kenwood crossovers, but mine fit fine. Just measured, remeasured, and remeasured again. If I need to make any adjustments to the crossover, I'm able to pop the electric window control panel from the door, and access the crossover.

I have the Infinity Kappa 5x7 also...I ziptied the crossover in the door panel too. It fits just fine without hindering the window mechanisms.

