Just Curious. Vehicle Tracking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just Curious. Vehicle Tracking


Explorer Addict
July 16, 2010
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95 + 11 Ex both XLT
Just a curious thought. Since I have the sync services, if it uses servers and the GPS hardware in my car to track it down for directions, does that mean Ford could possibly know where it is if it ever gets stolen? Would it be possible if I could ever call them up if my vehicle gets stolen? Just a thought.

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And the FBI already knows where you are. :D

as far as i know, they cant track it, its not like onstar.

I do think in all seriousness, that you need the SmartAlert system for that. It's installed at the dealer and can do the remote lock/unlock, theft recovery, etc...


Just a curious thought. Since I have the sync services, if it uses servers and the GPS hardware in my car to track it down for directions, does that mean Ford could possibly know where it is if it ever gets stolen? Would it be possible if I could ever call them up if my vehicle gets stolen? Just a thought.
Don't think so.

Unlike Onstar - Sync uses your phone for a cell connection. And Onstar can be queried via a cell connection and then reply with a gps location it receives through its Nav.

But Onstar does work well. A friend was in DTW for the auto show a couple years back and his buddy's car was stolen from a surface lot. The thief got the keys from the booth. When the car was discovered stolen, they called Onstar who tracked the thing. The cops pounced, arrested the fools, and my friend was only a couple hours late in getting home. :D

Just a curious thought. Since I have the sync services, if it uses servers and the GPS hardware in my car to track it down for directions, does that mean Ford could possibly know where it is if it ever gets stolen? Would it be possible if I could ever call them up if my vehicle gets stolen? Just a thought.
I believe you have to have the necessary aps downloaded to your smartphone. Once that is done they can track your location at all times. I believe you need the SYNC ® Destinations mobile application and the Traffic, Directions and Information-enabled mobile application enabled on your phone along with the proper setup on Sync My Ride. These functions are not availabe here in Canada due to certain Privacy laws. So to answer your question, your vehicle cannot be tracked unless you have the smartphone with the required aps in it.

Guys, if you're looking for that type of system, sheck out that SmartAlert link above... It's a direct competitor to OnStar, and a licensed and installed dealer option, etc...

For tracking all you need is a prepaid Android phone with GPS and data connection and 2 applications.
1. Where's my Droid - you ping the phone for its GPS location
2. APRS - you track your vehicle real-time on aprs.fi (you need to be a HAM radio licensee, but I suppose you could use a made-up non-HAM number)

Then hide it where it has live power. I was thinking of the floor console, but how to open? Anybody have tips?

2. APRS - you track your vehicle real-time on aprs.fi (you need to be a HAM radio licensee, but I suppose you could use a made-up non-HAM number)
Then hide it where it has live power. I was thinking of the floor console, but how to open? Anybody have tips?
I haven't been able to install my HAM radio in the last 2 vehicles. There just isn't the room that there was in the older vehicles. Also, with the dual moonroof, my mag mount antenna would be too close to the existing antenna for my liking.

Peter (in VE3 land)

There is also a non HAM app called "The Eye" I just downloaded and tried it (one phone in car, and my phone).

I can see where I left my car, where I'm walking, you can also add other phones to it (family).

For the HAM folks just drill an NMO mount, it's the best way.

If you don't want a hole, get a Yaesu VX8R, it pumps out enough power to track.

Plus if you need a radio, it's right there :)
