Just installed Explorer Express anti sway bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just installed Explorer Express anti sway bar


Elite Explorer
October 18, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Clifton, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Sport 4x4 SOHC
I just installed my Explorer Express Anti sway bar for the rear of my 99 sport. I already have it lowered with rims and performance tires. I have as well eldebrock Ias shocks. The install was easy. Took about a 1/2 hour. It fits perfectly. I was very surprised how much bigger it was then the stock bar. I havent really gotten a chance to try it yet. I will on my ride home though, I will test it out. I will post later tonight.

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hey nice job makes me smile when i see a lowy :) very impressive

Re: wow


holly cowwww!!!!!!!! was that your truck being carried by the tow truck? I hope everyone was okay!


Yeah that would be my truck....... read about it in the whoops thread kinda hurt


Wow nice bad-azz explorer..........

Thanks for the compliment.

your truck looks awesome. didnt u have different rims before? and how did u get the window tint to match like that? i had a place put the darkest they had on my sport side windows and then put dark over the bronze tinted back windows. but, it still doesnt match. that really looks perfect. also like the wheel/tire combo.
Rick H.

Can't wait to see some updated pics! Also you should send some to Rick for the Explorer Sport Truck site.

Thanks guys. I was going to wash her and take some pics today but it rained. If its nice tomorrow I will have some pics.
As far as the window tint is. My truck had a light black tint in the rear, not the bronze of earlier explorers. So I had them put the darkest on the front two and a mid tint over the rear. It Matched up really nice. They are pretty dark though!
As far as I my rims, I had the factory "tear drop" 16x7 rims on it. Now I have 17x8 Enkie RTS's with Michilen pilot LTX's 155/55/17's.
Thanks again guys, I will hopefully have pics tomorrow. Pray for sunshine.

Whoh..ive got that alarm system too. Its cool huh!?

yeah I love it. Although mine isnt working right now. Actually maybe you can help. The alarm works fine, but my lcd screen is messed up. I dont have anything happening. I cant see any of the visuals and no beeps. But it still sends the signal to the truck. any ideas? I guess I should just take it back to the installers

Sounds like you dropped it! :) the lcd came disconnected or something.. hope you dont have to buy a new one... those are like 100 bucks I think. I bought the optional leather case or whatever... it protects it pretty good.


Oh..how much did you get yours for? Did you get the external antenna?


jornum1, how does your truck handle now after you installed the sway bar? im interested in getting it for my truck, which is pretty much the same truck as yours (but not lowered.) ive been racking my brain trying to figure out if theres going to be a noticeable difference for the amount of money. thanks.

Sway bars

I just installed the Explorer Express front and rear sway bars on my '92 Sport, and man what a difference. I already had Edelbrock IAS shocks but the sway bars sent the handling over the top! It also greatly improved the front end feel. I made sure to replace the bushings on the front link assemblies also. It hardly effected the ride, and in my opinion, made it better. Firm but not harsh. Definitely helped with body roll as well. I was a little disappointed as it took almost three months to get them, but after the install which took about 2 1/2 hours it was worth the wait.

Yes the Rear sway bar does make a big difference. The ride feels alot tighter. Especially around big sweeping turns. With my '99 it has a big thick front bar, but the rear was quite small. the rear would lean outside on big turns quite at bit. Now it is minimal. It keeps up with the front end. You will be able to tell the difference I think. But like I have said before if you are looking for street handling. the biggest difference any of my suspension mods have made was the performance tires. It takes that bounce that alot of explorers get over bumps because of the big balloon tires. But if you have a good set of shocks and want to tweek the handling a bit, definetly go with the sway bar. it is probably near twice the size of the stock one, and is a piece of cake to install. There is a definte handling improvement.
I believe I paid 400 for it installed. I wanted the new one with the indiglo display, but they wanted 600 for that one. I do have a extra antenna, it is on the inside of my windshield. I can push the button in the middle of the mall and that baby will start up most times ;-) I love tha part of it. I guess I will just have to take it back and see what the installer says.

SOB! You only paid 400!?!! I paid like 600 and that was HEAVILY discounted. Damn. The shop I took it too was normally charging 900 or so. Oh well. mine doest even glow... but the external antenna mounts on top of the truck... supposed to really increase the range....


Originally posted by Jornum1
I just installed my Explorer Express Anti sway bar for the rear of my 99 sport. I already have it lowered with rims and performance tires. I have as well eldebrock Ias shocks. The install was easy. Took about a 1/2 hour. It fits perfectly. I was very surprised how much bigger it was then the stock bar. I havent really gotten a chance to try it yet. I will on my ride home though, I will test it out. I will post later tonight.

Can anyone provide details on how to replace a sway bar ( rear ).?


Replacing the sway bar is a piece of cake. Its just 6 screws to take out. They are a little awkward to reach but other then that no problem. You just remove the screws, and pull the old one out. Put the new one in place and replace the 6 screws. Thats it. It really is as easy as I make it sound.
Hope that helps

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Originally posted by Jornum1
Replacing the sway bar is a piece of cake. Its just 6 screws to take out. They are a little awkward to reach but other then that no problem. You just remove the screws, and pull the old one out. Put the new one in place and replace the 6 screws. Thats it. It really is as easy as I make it sound.
Hope that helps

Do you have to support the rear axek when doing it with frame on jack stands?
