Just ordered a set of these! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just ordered a set of these!

I just ordered a set of Interco's TrXus mud terrains Dead Link Removed I am in need of tires bad and wasn't able to put on my body lift(need help) So i went ahead and ordered a set of 31 X 10.5's for now and when i get my BL i will order a set of the TSL Radials. Has anyone seen a set of these or heard of anyone using them, I am curious to see how they do. The 4X4 shop i am ordering them through said i will be the first set they sold, they aren't really expensive, at $107 a piece. If you know anything about these, please let me know

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I know I want a pair , and they look sweeeet . Since they are so new , no one knows much about them ...

Tires look great but they don't make them big enough!

Look nice...Let us know how you like them and how they do in the dirt. Good Luck.

Yeah they would bulge just a lil, i am putting the 31X10.5's on my 15X7's and they recommend an 8.5" rim, oh well. But yeah if you want these tires call around to 4X4 shops in your area. i was suprised to see that the 31's are only 100 a piece

Some guys over at the JU forum use them and they all are happy with them. One guy has now 15 kmls on them and still likes them a lot.
