Keep Stock Head Unit & Install Aftermarket Speakers in Stock Holes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keep Stock Head Unit & Install Aftermarket Speakers in Stock Holes


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September 15, 2007
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1999 EB Keep Stock Head Unit & Install Aftermarket Speakers in Stock Holes

Hello Everyone!
New to the Forum…
Found you while looking for an answer to a question…
Hopefully you all can help….

I’m on my second Explorer now, 1999 Eddie Bauer…
It has the system with the Sub…..
My Sub went the other day & I want to replace it…

I don’t want to spend a bunch of money, but of course I want the system to sound good…
I do want to keep the stock head unit & sub amp (if possible)….
This idea evolved into replacing the other 6x8 stock holes as well….

I want to know what would be the best watt & ohm range should I be searching for to accomplish this??? 6x8 & 8” sub keeping the stock amp, or if I am going to have to purchase & install aftermarket amps to achieve a good sound….

Like I said I only have to replace the 8” sub now, but would like to get the 4 6”x 8” holes as well….

Any help would be greatly appreciated….
Thank in Advance!

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To get a good sound you're going to need an aftermarket Head Unit, Aftermarket amplifier, and an aftermarket sub. Honestly unless you go bigger on the subs and they overpower your mids and highs, you will probably get a decent sound out of your stock speakers with a good aftermarket HU. You need to deside on a subwoofer and then buy an amp to match. Remember to look at the impedance (ohms), and the RMS wattage on both. You need a free-air sub I'm assuming if you are going to put it in the stock hole.

Welcome to the site, and FYI you do own the best factory radio Ford has ever installed, keep it. That is a Mach radio, manufactured by Pioneer, it is as good as any Pioneer of that era. You have very little bass right now because the Mach separates the frequencies, all of the bass goes to the sub.

It sounds like you want a minimal upgrade, beyond new HU and amps and high dollar extra parts. I'd suggest upgrading the subwoofer, with a 10" like some have done if you are up to the minor fabrication they did. You can replace the speakers with any 6x8's, but the volume will not change. The quality might be more to your liking though, choose those based on what you like, in store testing.

FYI, both that Mach and the Premium version(no rear sub) have a factory display issue that does happen with all of them. Unless it has been repaired already, the answer is to have someone replace the display power board. That repair is very common from tons of shops, check eBay to see some. The cost is generally $60.

I have a Mach in my 98 which I had modified with RCA outputs. I will be adding three amps etc, but the best part is that it will not attract thieves.

It is very common to have aftermarket stereos and sub boxes stolen from SUV's. Consider where you park the truck and how safe it is. Good luck,

I just think the amplifiers are crap. I just bypassed mine but it's also a lot older. I mean if you really don't care too much about sound quality and control then the factory HU is fine, but for
$200 I just got a new Pinoeer DEH-P6900UB and it controls the Ipod through a USB connection and it's amazing. Sound quality is awesome and you have tons of control That is really the most important piece of the system. If you are just looking for a little upgrade from what you have, then find out what kind of power that amp is putting out and find a free-air 8" sub to match your tastes. It may get a little expensive to do everything if you don't install it yourself. You would need to wire an external amplifier and the head unit and what not.

The Mach is supposed to be 20x4 and 80w to the sub.
