Keyless entry module | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keyless entry module


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August 6, 2020
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East Wenatchee
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer PIU
Are the 2020 PIU coming with the keyless entry module installed even if that option is not ordered? We ordered a 2020 Interceptor and did not check the box for keyless entry. We now want to add it and order fobs. I know the previous PIU had the module and keyless entry could be added after the fact by programming.


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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Hopefully, someone will be able to answer that.


I was able to buy the key fobs from the dealer for about $36 each. Then they plugged in the FDRS and programmed them. Now this particular PIU has remote start and unlock via FordPass so the hardware is already there. It cost me an hour of tech time. Works great.

Merry Christmas all! Can you share the part number for the remote? Thanks!

Merry Christmas all! Can you share the part number for the remote? Thanks!
Merry Christmas. One thing to keep in mind here is that you have a 5th gen PIU whereas the other member has a 6th gen PIU. There could possible be differences between the 2 generations. Many of the retail 6th gen Explorers have bi-directional remotes.


Merry Christmas. One thing to keep in mind here is that you have a 5th gen PIU whereas the other member has a 6th gen PIU. There could possible be differences between the 2 generations. Many of the retail 6th gen Explorers have bi-directional remotes.

Thanks for the reply, I just updated my profile as I do have a 2020 PIU.

Here is one that comes on this site, I searched on 3.0L engine but I don't know if that matters. There seems to be more for the 2021,

This is the remote I got. The serial number of each transmitter has to be entered into BCM. I haven't done much looking at the data to see if it's possible to enter it using Forscan or not.

Thanks for all the info.
Starting to understand all the parts to the new PIU

First I downloaded the Ford Pass app, added the PIU, now I have remote start, lock & unlock.
Plus everything else that comes with Ford Pass
All Good here

Now to the key fobs.
I see that the PIU uses the key fob with the blue button.
Part number: GB5Z-15K601-C
If I get an OEM fob ($30-$40) is this something I can program my self or does it have to go to the dealer?
I have seen some videos about programing the keyless entry by rotating the key in the ignition 8 times in 10sec.


Thanks for all the info.
Starting to understand all the parts to the new PIU

First I downloaded the Ford Pass app, added the PIU, now I have remote start, lock & unlock.
Plus everything else that comes with Ford Pass
All Good here

Now to the key fobs.
I see that the PIU uses the key fob with the blue button.
Part number: GB5Z-15K601-C
If I get an OEM fob ($30-$40) is this something I can program my self or does it have to go to the dealer?
I have seen some videos about programing the keyless entry by rotating the key in the ignition 8 times in 10sec.

Needs to go to the dealer. The key on/off process was last used in 2015. Since then the dealer has to program them.

Thanks for all the info.
Starting to understand all the parts to the new PIU

First I downloaded the Ford Pass app, added the PIU, now I have remote start, lock & unlock.
Plus everything else that comes with Ford Pass
All Good here

Now to the key fobs.
I see that the PIU uses the key fob with the blue button.
Part number: GB5Z-15K601-C
If I get an OEM fob ($30-$40) is this something I can program my self or does it have to go to the dealer?
I have seen some videos about programing the keyless entry by rotating the key in the ignition 8 times in 10sec.

Hi! can u pls share how you ended up doing it? can u program the key on your own? do i need a T- harness set? thanks!

Hi! can u pls share how you ended up doing it? can u program the key on your own? do i need a T- harness set? thanks!
FYI, the member you quoted was last seen here on May 29, 2022.

