keys locked in car, need help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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keys locked in car, need help


Active Member
July 10, 2001
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City, State
Kent, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
i am out of AAA uses for the year and my friend was getting a cigarette out of my car and locked the keys inside. is there any way to get in there with a hangar or something? thanks much.

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ya, my brother locked the keys inside of his 93. we had AAA come and they just used a bent hangar, slid it down the from passanger window, and pulled it back up the inside and it poped up the lock somehow. he was done in like 3 seconds. so there is definatly a way to open it with a hangar, my sugestions is to get a hangar, bend the end up, and fiddle around with it. good luck!

Homemade Jimmy Bar

You know those hanging folders that you use for manilla folders in a verticle or lateral file cabinet? Get a legal size hanging folder from somewhere and remove the metal thingie, that's your new jimmy bar. Do you have a roof rack with those bungie cord tie points on it? If so you stick your little jimmy bar down into the roof rail and cinch up the moveable bungie ties to keep it in place. The next time you lock your keys in, you'll have the jimmy there waiting.

I'm glad i know the code on my keypad so I'm never able to lock myself out of my truck.

Do you have power door locks? You can go through between the window glass and weather strip with a coat hanger. Or just pay a lock smith or flag down a cop.

Got to agree with spiper here. I locked myself out in a Home Depot parking lot a few months ago and was able to take a flexible stick from a willow tree, slide it around the weatherstripping, and flip the locks. Does nothing for my feeling of security.

Yeah, it is kind of un nerving, I took all of my lock knobs out so that cant be done, I'd rather give a locksmith $50 than screw around with coat hanger. I spose a car thief will just break a window any way, unless my dog is in there.:D

The only time I locked my self out of my X I had left my pop up sun roof open. (wood) :hammer: Just removed it and used a broom stick to hit the lock switch.

2 words: magnetic hidakey

Everyone should have one, its a small plactic box with a magnet on the back...Put your key in there and hide it somewhere under the truck as out of sight as possible.

any luck yet?
were you able to get your family out? ;)

luckily the last two times I locked my keys in the ex the windows were cracked just a little bit and I took off a windshield wiper, stuck it in the crack and hit the unlock button.

hahaha u guys are so creative! :D

Originally posted by espnfreak
I'm glad i know the code on my keypad so I'm never able to lock myself out of my truck.

yeah, unless the battery dies ;)

If you have a sport model you can just take out the back glass.I have had to do that many times.

A friend of mine had a 93XLT that had the locks so that the doors locked whenever the car was frosty cold night he prestarted his X and shut the door...oops...we couldnt get the coathanger to work, so he ended up removing one of the small seals around the small window in one of the rear side doors and poped the glass out...probably not the best way to do it, but he didnt break any glass, and got into his car.

I've only locked my keys in the car one time. A AAA tow truck was already on the way for another problem, so we decided it was no big deal and AAA could deal with it. The tow truck got there and said that he didn't do locks. So we had to go all the way back home in a friends car and pick up the extra keys. I'm going to have to agree with VairKing on that one, a magnetic hide-a-key is on the way as soon as I get the key copied so I have one.

Originally posted by espnfreak
I'm glad i know the code on my keypad so I'm never able to lock myself out of my truck.
ahhh, i have a key pad also. but wait!! if you lock your doors with your engine running your screwed. they key pad doenot work when the car is runing. i found out the hard way:mad:

I keep a spare key in my wallet. I have locked my keys inside my cars many times, but I always have my wallet on me, so I have never been totally locked out.

Originally posted by Audio_1
ahhh, i have a key pad also. but wait!! if you lock your doors with your engine running your screwed. they key pad doenot work when the car is runing. i found out the hard way:mad:

Yeah, it does. I was playing around while driving and it worked. I don't know why it doesn't work.

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Originally posted by VairKing
2 words: magnetic hidakey
Everyone should have one, its a small plactic box with a magnet on the back...Put your key in there and hide it somewhere under the truck as out of sight as possible.

Ditto! Saved me on more than one occasion.
