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KKM trouble


April 2, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Littleton, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Mountaineer
I posted a note earlier on this but I'm still having trouble.

Recently I installed a KKM on my 94 XLT. I put it on and reset the computer and right after that my X started running rough with little power.

My MAF was pretty dirty. I probably had too much oil on the filter. So I cleaned it and reset the comp. Still runs rough.

I checked the exhaust and thought it had a leak. figured that might be reducing the back pressure, but that wasn't the problem.

I thought maybe if I had oput to much oil on the filter that some had gotten through and maybe clogged the injectors, so I dumped some gum-out in the tank. But still no change.

I checked for air leaks between the MAF and the engine. I found what looked like a gap between the intake hose and the MAF, so I reset it, cleaned the MAF again (couldn't hurt) and reset the comp. Still no change.

So right now it starts fine, idles at a fairly steady rpm, but is rough and vibrates a bit. It doesn't have much power and is very rough when starting from a stop. If I come to any type of hill at all on the highway, I have to downshift as it doesn't have the torque to get through.

I got the KKM used and it was pretty oily. I'm wondering if the filter is so clogged up that hardly any air is getting through. I was thinking about using a can of carb cleaner to try and degrease it, but I'm not sure if that would damage it or not.



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put your airbox back on anad see if its still there

I was thinking about using a can of carb cleaner to try and degrease it, but I'm not sure if that would damage it or not.

Yes that will destory it. No hard detergents or chemicals. Just plain water is maybe all you need.

yeah your filter sounds like its over-oiled.

Some places sell this little, little packets of filter oil which is all you need to cover your entire filter.

you can tell if its oil'd or not buy holding the filter under a heavy light. You should see dull/white spots and shiny spots. All the 'dull/white' spots are what require oil, if its 'shiny' or 'wet' looking then obviously it doesnt need it

i dont know if this is the 'correct' procedure for cleaning them but this is what i do...

i went to Advanced and got the K&N air filter cleaner and the K&N spray filter oil.

- Use a brush or a rag and gently clean all the heavy stuff off.
- fill up a small bucket with the K&N air filter cleaner and set the filter in it for like 20 minutes.
- Grab the hose and rinse it off good
- Let it air dry for like an hour.
- Re-oil it making sure you do not go over the same spot twice. Let it try for a lil while then check it over again, looking for any 'dull/white' spots which would require a little hit with the oil.

Make sure you didn't pull a vacuum line or spark plug wire loose when you changed the filter.


OK. I hooked the stock air box backup (but left the vaccum lines plugged). Now it runs smooth with a fair amount of torque, just like it used too.

So it looks like I have a clogged and over-oiled filter. It sounds like maybe the best thing to do is to get a new filter and toss the old one. Since I got it and the adapter for $10 I won't be too dissapointed.


The filters are washable. In a pinch you can use dishsoap like Dawn or use the air filter cleaner that's available from KKM , K&N etc. After cleaning it needs to be re-oiled.

You shouldn't have touched it! :D It worked fine for me when I pulled it off. Maybe my motor adapted over time to it getting dirty? Use the spray and clean from the inside out. Sucks that it doesn't work.
