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Kris Guilbeaux' 1992 Explorer XLT project is Home

I think it is a 6. But it does not matter since it doesnt run. Some times I really would like to photo Shop the Deloren out of the pictures I take it gets more attention then My X or my Navajo :D This one is only worth its weight in Parts trust me it needs a lot of Work.

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I was wondering the same thing when I saw the car. I like the truck alot. It is making me want to go with a lift on my 2wd.
I was wondering what happened to the truck in his avitar. I always liked it, but could not find out alot of information about it. I knew he had a Trac and just bought 2 first gens.
I know that truck is in good hands when looking what you did to yours. I can't wait to see the v8 in there. That is on my dream list.

Man! Im coming through Victoria today, but I can't stop... too much to do, too little time! Haha. Its sucks to know Im so close, yet unable to swing in and meet you and the trucks. Who knows, maybe Ill see you on the road in the Navajo though... Keep it real and Ill get there sooner or later. Have a great 4th!

That is Ok, I am spending the 4th at work. So the Navajo is sitting in front of the store I work for. Which way do you go through Victoria?

Normally we would go straight through town, past the burger king, auto zone, and HEB, turn and head down past the police station, and then head out the other side, but today I ended up just bypassing the city. Its the first time Ive gone around, so it was weird with all the turns I had to take just to stay on 59 S. Man I made great time though. ME and a Chevy 2500 HD were tag teaming for lead and watching out for each other. We hit it about 80-85 for a good portion of Houston to Victoria. Fun stuff...

Ok you take Business 59 through town. It is not far from my house. Taking a right at the first light off business 59 and about two miles down the Road is my neighborhood. Oh and the Burger King is now a Whataburger :(

I got my 36x12.50 Super Swampers sitting in my garage. I plan to have them mounted in day or so.

Now for the Bad News. The Explorer will not be Getting a dana 44 till at the very least Christmas. I had some problems that set me back.

Back to good News. I am Going to Convert the truck to 4x4 by the begining of Aug. Although it will be with a TTB Dana 35 with Lockers. It is Just to costly for me to get a Dana 44.

That sucks Kris.:( Hope you solve the problem and finish the swap.:)

Well the 36's are on the Truck. And it looks good too. I hope I can get the truck back on Track.

kris what size were the old tires
and what did you do with them


Two were Slashed. The other Two I gave to Mudd*****

The Tranny is in, but... It might have to come back out. It is not shifting into OD properly. And the parking Gear is not working either.

I am Going to have to look in to this.

OK I figured out what was wrong with the parking gear. After looking at the rebuild manual for an A4LD I know that the parking paw is not in the tail housing. Oh well I need to rip the T-case out and install a new parking paw.

hey kris would u sell me that 6 inch lift for the exploder

hey kris did you ever drop in the 5.0 i heard you were and where did you get those clear corners from that ex looks nice

Kris Guilbeaux,
Hey Kris, how's it going?

If you are using a cable type shifter watch the adjustments or is the shifter designed for an OD trans.

Good Luck,

Hey Kris, When ya gonna post a pic of the truck with the 36's?


There is not a 5.0 going in it yet.

the pictures of the 36's have been in the gallery for a while.


Which gallery? I couldnt find it.

Thanks for the pic...that looks great.


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All parts are accounted for except the Gears. Then it is off for a test of the freshly converted 4x4 Explorer.
