Lady's, Lady's, Lady's.., | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lady's, Lady's, Lady's..,

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OMG, that picture is too funny, Never noticed it before, :D


How did you even find this thread?!? After more than a year with nothing, hahaha. I'm glad you did though if not I probably wouldn't have laughed for the last 10 minutes.

Oh on random reading and searching. :D

How did you even find this thread?!? After more than a year with nothing, hahaha. I'm glad you did though if not I probably wouldn't have laughed for the last 10 minutes.

The sad thing is the originator still hasn't reappeared since '05 either LOL.

obviously the guy was participating in the "free crack to retards" programme that was happening in his area at the time...

I think they stopped the programme tho due to overexposure to the drug and it's bizarre effects on said retards...


obviously the guy was participating in the "free crack to retards" programme that was happening in his area at the time...

I think they stopped the programme tho due to overexposure to the drug and it's bizarre effects on said retards...


LMFAO^^^^^ thats awesome!
