Late Model Breather Relocation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Late Model Breather Relocation


Elite Explorer
October 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Mountaineer
Does someone have some pics or instructions on relaocating the breather tubes for the differential and tranny case or any others? I have a 98 MM and I am getting ready to install an efi snorkel and thought I should relocate these tubse first... any takers?

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Sweet, you listened to me in the other post. I heard the newer ones are a little more difficult, but if you climb under it there should be some indication.
On the front there may be a six inch hose that kinda has a pig tail curl at the end to form a pocket.
the tranny has a tube pointing down on mine,
Transefer case has a tube upward, I moved it a bit higher, and the rear axle should have a tube going up, I moved mine up a bit higher, I have heard some taking this up to the fuel door and drilling a hole, prob not necessary, Since you are snorkeling, I suggest taking all four up to the hood, even up the snorkel, On mine I took them high enough to get over the doors, so another word, If I take water on, I will have a smelly truck, a fried amp, a pissed driver, and also a lot of fluids to change, but better than it was.

Someone did this with some chrome breathers and mounted them on the fire wall near the Vin Plaque. I do not know where that thread is now. I think it was on a pre 95 Explorer, but im sure the directions would be real similar to the 95+ models.

I have a write up about doing it on my 91 at my temporary web page. Dead Link Removed dont click on the pictures link because it wont work. I really need to update my webpage! I didnt realize it was so out of date.

JamminG4Jim did this on his pre 95 model Explorer I believe if you search for his name you should find his detailed thread

I did it on my '01 Explorer. It's a lot tougher on the new ones!!! The rear axle is pretty easy. I bought a roll of tubing and ran it up into the gas filler cap area. The gas filler cap is mounted in a plastic housing. I drilled a hole in the housing, ran the line up through the hole, and now my vent is right next to the gas cap.

For the front axle, it's easier just to extend the existing line. There isn't much room between the differential and the frame where the tube is attached, and I couldn't get my hand in to work on it. You can access it from the left side wheel well. It comes up between the shock and the front a-arm mount, and is clipped to a vertical member. I just bought an in line coupler, extended the line, and brought it up next to the brake vacuum booster. I spent an hour trying to get my hand in between the diffy and the frame before I gave up an just extended it.

For the Xfer case, the existing line is next to impossible to get out without removing the tranny (NOT gonna happen!!) It goes from the transfer case along the top of the tranny and ends somewhere near the top of the bell housing. TOTALLY INACESSIBLE. I just disconnected mine at the xfer case, cut it off as short as I could, and ran a new line up by the brake booster. The tranny is easy. It has a steel line that just drops out below the transmission. Just put a hose on it with a hose clamp and run it up to the brake booster too.


I appreciate the response... I am going to tackle that this weekend. I hate to do this to you, but you wouldn't happen to have any pics, would you? If not, don't worry about it, as i will go at it with words alone. If you have them great, if not, i will take some when I do it.

Thanks again!

Sorry, no pix. I gotta get a digital camera. My wife does photography, and she still swears by film. Oh well, one of these days....
