leak in drain line for sunroof | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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leak in drain line for sunroof


New Member
February 5, 2006
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Palm Harbor, Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
I have a 2002 with a factory sunroof. I noticed that I have wet carpet on the passenger side under the floor mat after a hard rain. I looked everywhere, but I have discovered the problem but I don't know how to fix it. It is the front drain line. When I pour water down the drain line on the sunroof it comes out the drain in the panel next to the door hinge, but it also drains inside the car. Any solutions? Should I just plug the hole and hope that any water finds another exit?

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I had a water leak from my factory sunroof when the truck was aprked with the nose lower than the rear. I discovered the front tubes (hoses) were clogged. DON'T try to blow them clear with compressed air...tired that and blew the hose off...doh. Had to tak the headliner loose to reattach the tube. (actually was not as difficult as I feared).

I don't think it is a loose hose. I very carefully poured water down just the front right sunroof drain line. When I did this the water came out the drain in the right front panel as it should, but it also came out in the wall close to the door hinge on the inside of the cabin...thus the water in the passenger side carpet. I just don't know where the drain tube is leaking but it is not real high because no water marks in headliner or window pillar.

I deleted your other post. Please do not double post


sorry...I noticed that I posted in the wrong spot. I will be more careful in the future

Just picked up a 2003 Mountaineer and my driver's side door from the door handle down on the inside was wet. Water was slightly pooled in the trash compartment. Would it be reasonable to assume that this problem is related to yours? We had a lot of wind today with a slight rain...Just trying to figure how the heck the water got there!

Well, my headliner is soaked...Gotta be a sunroof leak. *sighs*

Just picked up a 2003 Mountaineer and my driver's side door from the door handle down on the inside was wet. Water was slightly pooled in the trash compartment. Would it be reasonable to assume that this problem is related to yours? We had a lot of wind today with a slight rain...Just trying to figure how the heck the water got there!

Well, my headliner is soaked...Gotta be a sunroof leak. *sighs*

Ok...So, I went outside with some compressed air, stuck the little red tube into the drain hole and pulled the trigger...And, nothing. Didn't sound like anything was happening at all. Typically the can will get colder when it lets air out, but it is already frigid outside so it's hard to tell whether it was blowing or not.

What's the cost/procedure to replace the drain line if it is clogged? I'm guessing Lowes doesn't have a pipe snake that small. ;)

I had a water leak from my factory sunroof when the truck was aprked with the nose lower than the rear. I discovered the front tubes (hoses) were clogged. DON'T try to blow them clear with compressed air...tired that and blew the hose off...doh. Had to tak the headliner loose to reattach the tube. (actually was not as difficult as I feared).

I just bought my XLT this month, and I've noticed that I believe I have this same problem too. When I park facing down my driveway, i'll notice a bit of water in the dome light and sometimes a small drip which hits my cupholders.. I think it even got in the compass behind the rearview mirror..

I think I know where you're all referring to, but just for some clarification the drain line is located towards the front of the sunroof when its open in the middle correct? that metal opening right there? how hard exactly is it to get the headliner off - does it kind of snap out? I'll probably just try it real quick this weekend, but wanted to see if there was anything i should know before i do. Thanks!

I think that original person was using compressed air from an air compressor.

I used a can of compressed air that you'd use to dust off a computer, etc. I stuck the tube for the can of air into the tube for the drain and let her rip. Did the trick, I haven't had leaks since. I just opened my roof and on the inside of the lip there were two drain hoses on each side towards the front. Not sure if yours would have just one middle drain...

I think that original person was using compressed air from an air compressor.

I used a can of compressed air that you'd use to dust off a computer, etc. I stuck the tube for the can of air into the tube for the drain and let her rip. Did the trick, I haven't had leaks since. I just opened my roof and on the inside of the lip there were two drain hoses on each side towards the front. Not sure if yours would have just one middle drain...

yeah you're right they are on the side. i was looking towards the middle but it wasn't a hole there - just like 2 slits but it was too low down.. not in the water channel. i guess i was looking there b/c i was getting the water in the middle in the dome light. i guess if they're clogged though even on the side, the water just pools there and can go down there anyway? hmm maybe i should look at the windshield just in case too...

OK, so what do we do to fix the leaks? Do we need to get a new gasket and replace it? I've done the compressed air thing, and it still leaks, and "gurgles" when we start driving - - then you get soaked if you don't hold a towel up to the front interior dome lights....

anyone figure out a fix for this? im getting water in floor board on passenger side.

mine however seems to accumulate in the passenger side rocker panel and then when i stop at a sign or lights comes up from the rocker and comes out the molding near the gas cut off switch. under the glove box.


Someone fixed this problem ?

I think we need to see the roof downside ? How I can take off the fabric ?

Or this is not a problem, and yes a chracteristics ?

Just don't park downways ?


sunroof leak in explorer 2002

Does anyone have an answer for this problem or it need to go to a " thieves bunch" Ford dealer for suck you off thousands of $$$$ with no guarantee that the problem will be resolved?????

I just did mine, my passenger side seat got wet and some of the floor also. I could see the headliner wet running to the passenger windshield pillar. I just used a piece of bailing wire on mine. There was a bug in front of it.

On the drivers side I pushed the wire in the hole easy and it drained right away.

Sun roof drain leak

My leak was caused by mice that had crawled in on top of the headliner and chewed through the tube. Entire inside had to be removed to repair all the damage. Thankfully it was covered by insurance. I plan on spray foaming the area behind the tail lights to stop their entry.

Are there any pics here in the forum of where the drain tubes are when disassembled? I tried the air in a can and the side I had the issues with, seems to have gotten worse. Is it hard to take the headliner off and put back together? Ay info is very much appreciated. Any other issues I've had were fixed, thanks to this forum!

I tried the compressed air again and when I pulled the trigger, there was water spraying out the front drivers pillar/post that holds the windshield in place. Was that supposed to happen? Sound familiar to anyone?

leak from sunroof

Hi, everibody
After months of estimates by " experts???" including ford service and asked for not less of $ 510.00 for just the new sunroof glass (cause they don't sell just the gasket), and followed all the online suggestion like blowing air in the water drain with no success, I did it myself and in one hour I have resolved the problem.It does not mean is the same for everybody, but I tell you what I did:
I tried to have a view of the headliner of the draininig ( wich is on the front
corner of the sunroof : you can see it when you open it. Right and left: my problem was on the right side) to do that you have to dissemble the cover column of the windshield,dissemble the wisor and pry the upholstered ceiling for about 20 inches toward the back.At that point I was surprised to see that the plastic drain hose was far apart from the rigid head liner . I cleaned with alchool the inside of the plastic hose and , putting a couple of drops of fast glue I pushed in the hose in the head liner. Close up everything, and I had no problem since. I hope this can help many of you!!!
Bytheway it is not the gasket problem: when it rain some water go thru but that is the reason to have the drain hoses.

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Here is what a first gen sunroof looks like guys. The headliner is not that hard to remove. I had to R&R my sunroof to replace the butyl tape sealant between the sunroof and the roof. It had been leaking for some time.


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