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LED Reverse Light Upgrade

Would anyone with a 2012 or 2011 Explorer that used the PS19W bulb be able to direct me to where you got your bulb. Ive been looking for one but I can only find ones that are shipping from the UK and I just wanted to see what else is out there that works.

Oh and CDN_Explorer I sent you a PM about your lights

Smoking Ghost, got your message, replied.
I haven't changed my reverse bulbs yet as a result of the wrong fitment. I've been spending most my time and money on my other baby, my S4. But hopefully I'll get around to changing these soon though.

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How did you access the 3rd brake light?

I think that the only way to find out which one you actually have is to take the bulb out and check it. It seems like a fairly easy procedure according to a post above.
You're going to have to do it anyway, eventually. Not sure why Ford decide to change bulbs midway through a model year.


My 2011 has the following factory installed bulbs:
Rear Turn Signal - PSY19W
Back-up Bulb - PS19W

To replace the amber rear turn signal bulb with an LED, search Ebay or Amazon for H16 5202 9009. I installed the red ones for the turn signal and white ones for the back-up lamps. It took 5 to 10 minutes per side and no resistors needed.

Would anyone with a 2012 or 2011 Explorer that used the PS19W bulb be able to direct me to where you got your bulb. Ive been looking for one but I can only find ones that are shipping from the UK and I just wanted to see what else is out there that works.

Oh and CDN_Explorer I sent you a PM about your lights

My 2011 has the following factory installed bulbs:
Rear Turn Signal - PSY19W
Back-up Bulb - PS19W

To replace the amber rear turn signal bulb with an LED, search Ebay or Amazon for H16 5202 9009. I installed the red ones for the turn signal and white ones for the back-up lamps. It took 5 to 10 minutes per side and no resistors needed.

My 2011 has the following factory installed bulbs:
Rear Turn Signal - PSY19W
Back-up Bulb - PS19W

To replace the amber rear turn signal bulb with an LED, search Ebay or Amazon for H16 5202 9009. I installed the red ones for the turn signal and white ones for the back-up lamps. It took 5 to 10 minutes per side and no resistors needed.
I'm curious as to why you went with the red for the turn signal. Amber has been proven to be much more visible especially if you are braking at the same time as the signal is on. I've seen some vehicles where you could hardly tell the signal was on when the brake lights were also on. More and more North American manufacturers are following the Europeans in using amber bulbs for turn signals.


Amber looks awful. A bright red LED bulb more than takes care of that issue.

Amber looks awful. A bright red LED bulb more than takes care of that issue.
I personally prefer safety over looks. As far a 'bright red LED' goes, don't forget the brake lights are also bright red LED, thus eliminating any contrast between them and the signal light. The fronts are still amber. It seems to me that the first few cars I owned had clear signal bulbs and lens in the front but then as time went on, manufacturers changed them to amber to make them more visible to oncoming traffic, especially at night. But, to each his own.
Have a great day!:thumbsup:


Is this the modified section, or the safety section? lol

I'm curious as to why you went with the red for the turn signal. Amber has been proven to be much more visible especially if you are braking at the same time as the signal is on. I've seen some vehicles where you could hardly tell the signal was on when the brake lights were also on. More and more North American manufacturers are following the Europeans in using amber bulbs for turn signals.


I had amber LED turn signals and proved first hand to myself that they were not more visible by driving behind the explorer as they were washed out against the red LED brake lights. The red ones provided a brighter output even of the identical bulb, and it's the flashing contrast that grabs the attention, not the color hue.

People not using turn signals at all is a far greater problem than red vs. amber lol

Is this the modified section, or the safety section? lol

People not using turn signals at all is a far greater problem than red vs. amber lol


I'm curious as to why you went with the red for the turn signal. Amber has been proven to be much more visible especially if you are braking at the same time as the signal is on. I've seen some vehicles where you could hardly tell the signal was on when the brake lights were also on. More and more North American manufacturers are following the Europeans in using amber bulbs for turn signals.


I bought both the red and the yellow LEDs and I preferred the looks of the red ones. And it's true that the red LED brake lights do get bright they don't blink so they do not cancel out the turn signal. Also, these LEDs are very bright. Should I get rear-ended because of my choice I'll let you know.

I bought both the red and the yellow LEDs and I preferred the looks of the red ones. And it's true that the red LED brake lights do get bright they don't blink so they do not cancel out the turn signal. Also, these LEDs are very bright. Should I get rear-ended because of my choice I'll let you know.
Well you won't be the first to get rear-ended. One member's Explorer was run into twice and then there was another recently as well. Probably distracted drivers. I don't know how you can not see this vehicle stopped in the first place.
While I prefer the amber, I do think that the way Ford has this assembly set up leaves a bit to be desired. I have followed the odd Explorer around here and find that the amber light just doesn't stand out very much and even less so when the brake lights are also on. My lease is up March 2015 so I'm going to be very interested to see what the 2015 Ex is going to look like.
Happy motoring.:thumbsup:


Reviving this post as I am going to order today. Do you think these will work or should I stick with the units on the first page of this post?

Interested in opinions from those whom have done this mod. roughly $10.00 difference in price.

Thoughts? Thanks very much guys.
