LED turn signal how-to (front & rear) | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LED turn signal how-to (front & rear)

The rear is a bad set up honestly as even the OEM bulb seem to not "fill" that lens/reflector.
A resistor may take care of the issue as the LED would then "act" as a incandescent bulb with higher draw/resistance

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I personally would not like the frosted look into the clear housing. just my .02

This is probably a stupid question but here goes.........I installed LED turn signals in the front. They run like parking lights but when I turn the blinker on, you can barely see that they are blinking because the LEDs are so bright. Has anyone had this problem? I know the incandescent bulbs have two filaments where one is the blinker and other is the steady light. Since there are no filaments on LEDs, I wonder what I am supposed to look for. Any ideas? The rear LEDs are fine because they only light when the blinker is on. :dunno:

Make sure the base of the pins aren't grounding together?

The pins are widely separated so I don't think they are grounding. Is that what you mean? Do you have LED front turns?

It seems several members have changed the front signals to LED without any issues. Perhaps one of them can help.


The pins are widely separated so I don't think they are grounding. Is that what you mean? Do you have LED front turns?

Forget my reply, it was stupid. I read it as if you had a 2016 Sport where the secondary filament shouldn't have been lighting in the first place.

That's what I meant. I put LED turns in my 2017, but my secondaries don't light for the reasons described.

Some LEDs are better quality than others--I'm guessing those weren't engineered terribly well to have a big enough difference between dim and bright.

So, what LED turns did you get? I attached a short video of the turns in action with the lights on. As you can see, the difference between the on/off is negligible.....


Also, @jmr061 figured out how to stop the hyperflash with the OBD2 connector to program the FORSCan modules. I paid $20 for the OBD2 adaptor (modified with a HS and MS-CAN switch). I changed a couple of settings and the hyperflash stopped. So, if you don't want resistors, this is the way to go.

Wow, that is bad.

I used some bulbs from JDM ASTAR. Didn't go high end at all--still very happy with the results. But, keep in mind, my secondaries don't light on my 2017, so inherently I don't run into the issues that you do when the parking lamps are active.

Wow, that is bad.

I used some bulbs from JDM ASTAR. Didn't go high end at all--still very happy with the results. But, keep in mind, my secondaries don't light on my 2017, so inherently I don't run into the issues that you do when the parking lamps are active.

Oh, OK - thanks for the good info!

These are the exact ones I bought: [URL said:
If the ebay link is dead, the description was: 2x Super Bright Brilliant Red T20 7440 7443 CREE Q5 + 12 SMD 5050 LED Light Bulb

Description: This auction features a pair (two bulbs) of the new design Brilliant Red 7440/7443 T20 LED Light bulbs with 5W Cree Q5 chip and 12x 5050 SMD chips. These bulbs can be use for the front/rear turn signal or reverse lights.

There are total of 12 Large 5050 SMD LED chips per bulb (each Large 5050 SMD LED chip has 3 light emitters), plus one Cree Q5 5W chip on top with magnified optical lens, make it a total of 7W power.

Fitment Cross Reference: The T20 (7440) light bulbs will replace 992A 7440 7441 7444 W21W etc.


Hi there... I was wondering if you would be willing to update the link or specific product you used for your front and rear turn signals please please please...
All of the links do not work any longer and I'd really like to switch my stock bulbs out.


I had to do some digging since the quote you posted didn't have the member's name. FYI, Harley#356 hasn't been active here since November 3, 2016.


I had to do some digging since the quote you posted didn't have the member's name. FYI, Harley#356 hasn't been active here since November 3, 2016.


Very good I appreciate your help.
Sorry I made it harder than it should have been. I’m learning the in’s and outs of posting and quoting !
