lift kit options | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lift kit options

September 27, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
sioux falls, south dakota
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 5.0
who in the he!! makes a resonably priced lift for a 99 explorer?

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I heard that Safari Guard make a high quality 5" lift for the 95-2001 Explorer. I'm not sure about the price but worth looking for...

What do you consider reasonably priced? Superlift is the cheapest and that runs about $1800.

Searching is an option on this site that a lot of people don't seem to understand. Since the site was started in 1996/7 this topic has been discussed a few times...

Searching is an option on this site that a lot of people don't seem to understand. Since the site was started in 1996/7 this topic has been discussed a few times...

i know i was trying to be sarcastic...forgot that that doesnt come through too well in text, I guess a “haha how funny” would have worked too

Only options:

Superlift 4" Expensive
Trailmaster 4" A little bit less expensive
RCD Coilover 5" More expensive
PA 883 3" Body Lift Cheap
SAS Depends

With that being said, you can wait around and look out for a used lift, I got mine pretty cheap.

and shackels and TT...even cheaper

look at weldtec designs they have a 3 inch suspension lift with new uppers for 980

so can i choose a trailmaster lift of an '98 for my '97?
What is the difference between these models?

I'm able to do some mods that the lift will fit, but i dont know if there are bigger difrences as i thaught...?

1996-2001 are the same. IMO the Superlift is better than the Trailmaster.
