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lift questions


April 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
seneca , south carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 xlt 4 door
i gotta 93 4 door XLT 5speed i wanna lift it but get out cheep as possible
i was thinkin spring over that rear ive been told thats 4.5-5.5" of lift i can get that done cheep but lifting the front im not so sure about everthing that i would need to lift it right it right any suggestions ? brand name? etc etc etc.

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welcome git-r-done, and to git-r-done I suggest you search for 1st gen lift kits, you'll find it there.

It's been a few years since I had a lifted truck but here's what I can say:

If you want 4.5-5.5" lift, the cheapest way I can think of would be to get extended-length shackles in back and coil spacers up front, and then add a 2-3" body lift all around...
As for how it would look, well, that's a body lift for ya...

A 4.5"-5.5" suspension lift kit is not nearly so cheap...spring over is cheap enough in rear but the front gets expensive, with lift coils, brackets, etc. If you find used coils and so forth that might make it cheaper, and doing the work yourself always helps...

2" skyjacker lift = $170
(or you can do F150 coil spacers + warrior shackles = $150)
3" Body lift = $100
15x8 wheels = $250-$400
cheap (Kumho Ventrue's) 33x12.50 tires = $107 a tire, ~$500

misc stuff you will need to 'clean things up'
- an extended steering shaft, since the steering extention that comes in the body lift is known to bind the steering and make all kinds of hordendous noises
- Drop pitman arm, to minimize bumpsteer.
- 2.75 - 3 degree camber bushings... for 2" lift with no drop brackets.

that should be all you need, and you will have the cheapest lift availible.

Thats pretty well put.

You can always try the steering extension that comes with the kit as it may brake in nicely like mine did but for some others it didnt. You can always replace it later if you dont like it.

its probably cheaper to do a Dana30 leaf spring solid axle swap +5.5 lift and SOA in the rear... then it is to lift the d35TTB

Creager said:
its probably cheaper to do a Dana30 leaf spring solid axle swap +5.5 lift and SOA in the rear... then it is to lift the d35TTB

Cheaper no....Worth it Yes!

if i do any axle swaps on my X it will get some full size dana 60s make it into a full blown trail rig run some 37s or 38s muhahahaha im a evil evil man lol im a lil crazy to lol

93XLT4door said:
if i do any axle swaps on my X it will get some full size dana 60s make it into a full blown trail rig run some 37s or 38s muhahahaha im a evil evil man lol im a lil crazy to lol

Dana60s would be cool

i think the D60 has like a 9.75"d ring gear

freggin huge you dont need all that! haha
