Lifted, 33s, Fender Trimming (people who have those, have ?s for you) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted, 33s, Fender Trimming (people who have those, have ?s for you)

yeah i measured right, it was quick glance, ill do better in a few, way to humid and hot as hell out right now with tornado warnings... so yeah its hot as hell right now, hopefully in a few hours i can start on em

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So quick question, i got the rims, no center caps. neighbor was telling me something about center caps that you can slide over the bolts after the rim is on... does anyone know what hes talking about? he said they look like the auto hub but for the outside of the rim....

just go to your local tire/wheel shop, they should be able to get you a cheap set of center caps that slide in from the back side of the rim.

this is the tire clearance with a worn 4" lift, 33's and stock front bumper, lots of room still.. tomorrow I'll get a pic of the wheel gap after the bumper and winch


my numbers the same, text me again.. I didnt get anything

I think Froader confirmed that 2 door and 4 door wheel wells are the same size.

I think Froader confirmed that 2 door and 4 door wheel wells are the same size.

Cool. I have never owned a sport, so I wasn't sure. I have read somewhere that the 2nd gen sports have a higher fender lip. But had no clue on the 1st gens.

well i got them on, went to start trimming the fenders and ran into all sorts of fn problems, finish cleaning them up tomorrow and do some sheet metal to make it look a lil better and itll be all set, yay! get pics of them on tomorrow in daylight went to do pics and had to work on a dodge that has nothing but problems


They are on, trimming started, got rained out. Painted my American Racing White rims black to match the truck (and just dont like white rims).

Sorry They are cell phone pics, kids broke digital camera.




Ok so trimmed both sides back a good bit. Bare metal etc showing, so i decided to lol cut up this old washing machine and cut a piece, weld it to the fender bend it over so it was like the stock (just further back), gotta finish welding this side and other side tomorrow but this is what i got so far

