Locked nissan frontier + soft sand = Rollover | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Locked nissan frontier + soft sand = Rollover

So last night a few friends came over to sit around the fire and have a couple beers.
We took my buddy Brandons truck out to my uncles cow pasture across the street to get some fire wood, well even with the " nismo " manual locker he ends up burying it in the sand.
So I had to walk back home to get my explorer to pull him out.
I had to put the strap around his hitch because there wasnt anywhere on the front to attach the strap.
So after I throw the strap back in my X and get back in I look in my rearview mirror to see his back lights through a bunch of dust, then nothing , then I see his headlights, facing the back of my truck now, but one is about 3 feet above the other one.
So somehow he managed to do a 180 and put his truck on its side while doing 10 miles an hour through a patch of sand.
luckily he was wearing his seat belt and was alright.
He shut the truck off and crawled out.
I had to get the strap back out to pull his truck back over.
We let it sit for a half hour and then it started fine, smoked for a few minutes but thats expected.
Both fenders on that side were crunched and the side mirror.
The soft sand probably helped the glass from being broken.
I still have no idea how he pulled that, im just glad he's alright.
Amber Bock never tasted so good after that ordeal.

I didnt get any pictures of it on its side, it was dark and we were too busy trying to get it back over to see the damage to think about it.
He took some pictures this morning I'll try to get some to post.

So all you guys looking at Frontiers, check the rollover ratings first.

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haha thats crazy man! im just glad yall are okay that did more of a little rollover i think that truck should try out for the upcoming olypics! might help us win a gold

glad u guys are ok and no one got hurt

It's easy to do on sand... If sliding sideways in the sand (I assume he was doing a donut) ALWAYS KEEP THE TIRES SPINNING. If you lift while spinning or sliding sideways, the tires bite and trip the vehicle sideways. I've seen it happen more than a couple times at the sand dunes... Always good for a laugh so long as nobody gets hurt.

Well luckily he'll only have to pay the $500 deductible.
The body shop said its $4,800 in damage.
He wasnt trying to do a donut he was just trying to get out of the patch of sand,
he has some kuhmo no tread street tires and his truck is 2 wheel drive with some kind of Nissan manual locker.
I guess he just gave it a little bit too much gas and lost traction with his crap tires and laid it on its side.

And here I was thinking Florida was so flat that it is virtually impossible to roll a vehicle in that entire state :p:

Thats what I thought, but he managed to do it doing 10 miles an hour in a cow field,
before we started drinking. :rolleyes:

Pics or it didnt happen.;)

I believe you though, stuff like that happens all the time in sand.

Lovely truck though.:D
