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locking console

I was just trying to keep the example the same...my family never pays sticker, we get the A-plan plus whatever...lol I also get the GM plan too. Oh and Nissan has a friends a family plan too...easy enough to get.

Well it really no longer matter, lets just say the X is (was) new and is now in the collesion shop getting fixed...pictures will come as soon as the damage and **** is fixed....lol A lockable glove box is the least of my worries....LOL

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Yea, my 96' doesnt have ****!

Originally posted by jgilbs
I can have the console lock done much sooner than the glovebox since I have access to an explorer without a console lock (my 92x) and my 99xls which is the model for my glovebox lock is at home. so if anyone is interested, just drop me an email, and ill try to have pictures up of the console lock by the end of the week

hmmm... not sure that the 2003 is going to be the same as a 92 console. what do you think, see picture from fords website.


hmm, youre right. my XLS has the bag in the center instead of the console so i didnt notice that. i guess ill just goto a junkyard and see what i have to work with. nonetheless, it shouldnt be too difficult. it will have to lock from the side rather than the top as would be the case for a first gen.

any movement on this... i'd still like one.

Texan said:
any movement on this... i'd still like one.

sorry for the long time no update, but my digicam broke :( so i cant get pics up. i put one on my center console and it works pretty great - i guess ill try to borrow someones camera when i go home for the summer in a week.

so you are saying that you can do it and that it locks from the side. Have you determined if it will work on the 2003 as pictured above? What was the price again?

Hey, even I would be interested in locking up my console lid and my glovebox and using the same key. So what is the deal here, this seems like a great idea.

Is this project dead?

I'd like to have a locking glove compartment on my '02 XLT 4-door. The latch is in the center of the drop down door.

-- Chuck
