Long time listener First time Caller | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Long time listener First time Caller


Elite Explorer
April 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Otto, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Escape Limited3.0awd
Hello, I've been reading this site for so long i dont know when i joined, the advise and the knowledge that is passed thru the forum is Excellent and Unmatched, and its is such a great thing to have this type of atmosphere, it really does make poeple feel welcome to join in. Thus making it even harder to go thru life not saying Hi.

There I did it, now the little voices will surely make me do it again?:thumbsup:

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Hi :D Its late though, lets all try to get some rest now hmmmmkay :D

I still hear voices:D

Welcome aboard.

Welcome to the site:chug:
