Looking for bodylift for 2001 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for bodylift for 2001


Elite Explorer
July 23, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, Il
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
I am looking for a body lift for my 2001. I have looked in the Summit catalog, but is seems that they are targeted towards chevy/gmc and jeep. I saw very few items for fords and even then it was for the f-series. I have looked on the net also, but it all I have found are lifts for 97 and earlier. If anyone knows of a reliable supplier or company that can help me find a body lift for my 2001 I would greatly appreciate it. If anyone has any experiance with a body lift on an '01 please leave me contact info.
