Looking for BTF spacers..anyone has a set for sale? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for BTF spacers..anyone has a set for sale?

bronco loco

March 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
li new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
explorer 2003
Before I get in touch with BTF, anyone has a set of BTF spacers for sale? Let me know.

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I got some 1.5" spacers I'm looking to get rid of made by BTF that I got from CJD2005 a few years back that I havent installed yet. Let me know if you want them.

I got some 1.5" spacers I'm looking to get rid of made by BTF that I got from CJD2005 a few years back that I havent installed yet. Let me know if you want them.[/QUOT
Morning, can I assume this are for the front?, please let me know how much you want for them. I'm in NY 11581

Morning, can I assume this are for the front?, please let me know how much you want for them. I'm in NY 11581

its for the front and back and i can to shipping and everything for a total of $130
