looking for some links to help solve a problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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looking for some links to help solve a problem


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bay Area CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 sport trac XLT
hey fellas, over the weekend i was doing some routine maintenance and noticed that i have a small leak where the driveshaft meets the transmission. its not enough to leak to the ground, but id like to get it resolved before this summer. does anyone know of any links on the forum that go into detail about repairing this problem? ive never done this job before, and im a little fuzzy on the terminology when it comes to drivelines, so im having a hard time searching for answers. it is where the u-joints are, but the joints look fine, actually seems to be coming from the seal where the joints meet the end of the transmission. i have the 2wd 5r55e, (once i get home ill double check that number, i know its close to that!). thanks everyone.

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A picture would help but from what you're describing it sounds like the rear transmission output seal is weeping. This is somewhat normal and if it's not hitting the ground then it's normally not something to worry about. Usually the seals run between $2-15, it's about a ten minute job once you pull the driveshaft. I would suggest replacing the u-joints with greasable u-joints while you have the driveshaft out. I'll post links when I get home.

thanks rebel, its actually been raining out here in cali pretty hard, so i wasnt able to get a good picture of it. if it clears up and gets a little brighter outside ill try again today and post the pic. looking forward to the links.

It's pretty easy to do, just remember to mark the driveshaft yoke on the rear and the yoke on the rear diff so that you can install it in the same position. This helps keep the balance more.
