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Lose reverse when Trans is warmed to normal Temp




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I am having trouble also in removing the pin which holds the manual select shaft into the case. I am not familiar with the stud gun and its function. Do you have a picture? Does a stud actually get attached to the pin, thus making it easier to grasp to pull out?

Brooklyn Bay or Glacier991,
I ordered a new Manual Shift lever great! Wrong, Ford told me today after waiting 2 weeks that the lever is out of production and that there is no repalcement part. I can't believe it. does anyone out there know where I can come up with a 1992 A4LD Explorer manual shift lever. And yes the one I have comes with the linkage pin pressed in. A part number would also help me in my search. Thanks for your help.

Are you talking about the lever the shift cable attaches to and which then enters the case ?

Most FORD trannys use a similar roll pin arrangement to hold the shift lever in the case. Some are easier to get some pliers into. On the A4LD I exclusively use the two sharp edged screwdrivers in opposing positions approach with 100% success.

BrooklynBay & Glacier991,
The Shifter lever that I need is the unit that is held in by the roll pin. This is the unit that rotates the Rooster plate to select the drive gear position.
This is the unit that is bent inside of the roll pin groove inside of the transmission. The tube shaft is no longer straight. I really hit somthing hard on the Hunt last fall. I need the levers part number???

Brooklyn Bay & Glacier991,
Found the Ford part number F3TZ-7A256-A Lever Assembly. There are only about 9 units in the USA. I found this one in Tulsa, OK. I will start putting things back together when it gets here. Just for everyones notes you can find Ford Parts at Directfordparts.com or at Vintageparts.org. They have been great to work with!

BB - Thanks for posting the pic of the two screwdriver method for removing the pin. It worked like a charm; the pin came right out!

Lundrv-when I called our local Ford parts dealer, I was given a different part# for the manual shift shaft: 7C493. Price quoted was $35.51. Thought that was quite high.

Transmission A4LD, fluid

09-15-2008 08:26 PMlundrv92
Anyone, I have two Explorers what can I say? I have never had my 2004 in the mountains well Real 4X4 in. It's time to leave the 92 home from the Hunt. I just can't keep a trans in it."nuts" The 92 will go anywhereI point it. The balance is great!! I really hate to even think about getting the 04 down and dirty. I guess I should say the 04 only has 29,000 miles on it. Has been used to tow travel trailers to Canada and a ski boat to the lakes. I need to know what tire chains I can use without tearing up the rig IE wheel wells and wheel supensions links. The wheels are 265 75 17". Also does anyone have a lead for front tow hooks that fit through the 04 bumper popouts? Last of all I think a set of slide plates are in order.
Glacier if your out there the last trans made it through last years hunt great but the fluid has only 1500 miles on it and it is grey. I drained the the pan with the Auto Zone plug no metal. So I replaced both external and inside filters refilled it. 150 miles fluid grey. Its like grey glue. just a small amount. If the fluid is up and grey can I drive it? ior can you tell me what is causing this??
