LowdPypes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer
February 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
San Mateo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sportie
good transaction. item arrived timely and well packed.
Thanks Man,

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same experience here with him.

Originally posted by ipozestu
good transaction. item arrived timely and well packed.
Thanks Man,

yup same here too! :D

Everything great here too! I would recommend him without hesitation!

I hate to do this but here it is.
Anyone know what’s up with Lowdpypes? I send him $ by paypal about a month ago for his cb antenna mount. I heard back from him last month that he had forgotten about it but will send it out ASAP. No problem, except I still haven’t got anything :( . I know that a lot of people have bought from him before so I am surprised at this.

Lowdpypes, are you still around? Did I loose my $?

Does anyone know him? Any ideas what I should do. I have still not heard from him.

:mad: Still nothing. I am realy surprised.:mad:

Caddy can you still cancel the transaction? Pay Pal will allow you to cancel. Look into it.

I bought LowdPypes supercharger, and he was very easy to deal with. No problems at all. Even let me make payments until I paid it off so he would hold it for me. I definetly recommend him to others.

Heres how it went:
I sent him a PM and IMed him (steeldreemer) on May 18th and told him i would like to buy an antenna bracket from him. He says sure just paypal me the $25 (which is ridiculously exspensive as it is for a folded piece of metal IMO but i figured I'll just spring for it to save myself the time of making one myself). So I paypaled him that day the $25. Then I hadn't heard anything from him in 2 weeks so I IMed him and PMed him again asking what the deal was and he said it was on back order (the impresssion I had from our first conversation was he made these himself and had some just lying around but whatever) and then he said he just sent me a message "STEELDREEMER: yeah, i just send you a message... " but i never recieved any messages, not even a reply from my first one. Then I IMed him a week later on 6-9 and he ingnored me, and the same thing on 6-15. On 6-16 I IMed him again and this time he answered and said he shipped it out and I should get them "any day now" yet he ignored my question when I asked him if he had a tracking number. It's now 2 weeks later and I haven't gotten anything, nor has he attempted to contact me if there were any problems, so I'm fed up.

I just sent him a pissed off PM demanding my money back cause this is unacceptable and extremely irresponsible.
