Mach 1 Nearly got run over by an H2 today!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mach 1 Nearly got run over by an H2 today!!

I'd pimp it :burnout:

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Anything I've ever said bad about the H2, I take back, but only for that particular H2! :eek:

Is the owner planning on wheeling it, or is it going to be a show truck?

It's going to be a daily driver/show truck.

"What size bolts do I have to get to torsion twist that much in the front?"


PS: "My H2 is broken, it gets 5 mpg!" ;)

I HATE the way the H2s look with all that drop bracket crap... That is the #1 reason I don't like lifted H2s.

What's with the angled airbags under that thing. That is weird!

The mudflaps are for legal reasons. Many owners of big trucks have them easily removable.

And yes, that drop bracket stuff is really ugly, and he still only has like 7" of wheel travel.

thats more like the flex i wanted to see :D

i think the 20's would look nasty on the black one since its a show truck and all.

N2MUDN91 said:
Whats the purpose of the HUGE nasty mud flaps... If you dont wheel it, or drive it ?

As alec stated....for leagal reasons...

It is the same as Big Rigs....they have much more tread exposed than cars, and bigger rocks get stuck in the tread.

That huge Black H2 would make an excellent vehicle to camp out of down in Baja! But, insuring it would be another story. What do you guys think it's worth... $100,000.00?


I can just see it now.....:p


holy cow kid... you're elite!

Saw this one awhile back in Northern VA. Isn't a great pic though...


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If you should ever decide to depart with the Mach, let me know..... I'll be happy to take it off your hands. :D And I agree, the Mach probably does get dirtier than the Hummer......

And I agree, the Mach probably does get dirtier than the Hummer......

Of course it does, the mach probably gets in close proximity to the pumpkin, ;)

It's a shame such great competition tires are being wasted on such gay trucks.
Way to go....

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