Manual Hubs?? Solution?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Manual Hubs?? Solution??


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April 30, 2004
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'91 XLT
I have a 1991 Explorer XLT and the four wheel drive is not currently working. I took off the shift motor, looked it over, cleaned it up, then put it back. Still nothing. I don't really feel like replacing it if it is in fact bad so I was considering converting to manual hubs. I was just wondering if I get manual hubs and the conversion kit that you can buy from the companies that sell the hubs if I'll have to buy anything else to get my four wheel drive working. Thanks for any help.

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shift motor

Wheressinatra said:
I have a 1991 Explorer XLT and the four wheel drive is not currently working. I took off the shift motor, looked it over, cleaned it up, then put it back. Still nothing. I don't really feel like replacing it if it is in fact bad so I was considering converting to manual hubs. I was just wondering if I get manual hubs and the conversion kit that you can buy from the companies that sell the hubs if I'll have to buy anything else to get my four wheel drive working. Thanks for any help.
You'll still have to get the shift motor to work. The hubs just allow the wheels to be locked when you put it in 4X4. I tried to fix my shift motor but it would only work for a short time before quitting. I ended up buying a new one.

did you verify that the shift motor was working before you put it back in?

When you press the 4x4 button do you hear relays click in the trunk area? If so then 99% of the time the fault lies within the shift motor. Check out my links below for related info... The section on seeing how cars work will show you exactly what happens to your drivetrain when 4x4 is activated.


Thanks for all the help. I don't hear a click when I hit my 4X4 button, but I think I'll still look at my motor. I bought the truck knowing it didn't have working 4X4 and living in Minnesota it'd be really nice for the winter so I just want to get it working.

Forgot to Mention

No, I did not check to see if it was working. What's the easiest way to do that? Thanks

Did you search for Shift motor? There is a lot of info on the subject as it has been covered in detail many times. I'll get you started so check out this thread Shift Motor problems
