Marines to Pay 100K each for "Jeep" | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Marines to Pay 100K each for "Jeep"

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I can imagine the poor guys standin there looking at both death traps. One falling from the sky and the other rolling over at the next corner.

Garth said:
I can imagine the poor guys standin there looking at both death traps. One falling from the sky and the other rolling over at the next corner.

If that's not bad enough, I read that site that dogfriend posted. They have no plans for side body aromour. It would limit mobility. That's comforting to know.

rookieshooter said:
If that's not bad enough, I read that site that dogfriend posted. They have no plans for side body aromour. It would limit mobility. That's comforting to know.

They would do better to have you cook them up something, than that crap they are building.

hiridin said:
is that a picture of it? :eek: $100,000!? ya right. u could build a much more capable vehicle than that with $100,000
$100k on a 50 year old jeep... only the :usa: govt could pull that one off.....

more liek a whole fleet of vehicles for $100k.... as much as i hate to say it, the wranger rubicon is a pretty capable stock vehicle.... you could easily build up 2 of those with armor plating on board air, welders, all that stuff for $100k

Garth said:
They would do better to have you cook them up something, than that crap they are building.

Could you imagine a whole fleet of chopped toped, tubed doors, lightened up, full caged B2s with twin 50 cal. machine guns mounted on the roll cage. Hell, the mere site of that would have the enemy runnin :D I'd love to have a pair of mocked up 50 cals mounted on top of my cage. Then ride down to the pentagon, knock on door and say....Hey yall, check out my redneck Growler
