Mass Air Flow or Throttle Body | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mass Air Flow or Throttle Body


September 22, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Natchez, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ford Explorer XLT
Every now and then our, 2007 Ford Explorer XLT (V6), has trouble accelerating when passing or getting off a light. We know what she can do or use to do so we know something is off. The remedy that has worked so far is cleaning the mass air flow sensor and the throttle body at the same time.

So when it happened again, I asked hubby to only clean the mass air flow sensor. Well some of the acceleration power was back but not all the way as when he cleans both.

The cleaning is becoming regular and we are trying to decide if we should just replace. Of course, the sensor is cheaper. So we did the un-plug and see if it keep running. It did – but now conflicting information on that method. We have the six wires so was unclear how to test using our multimeter. We have a bigger scanner tool but beyond it pulling codes, we don’t know how to read the other diagnostics.

Today we use a little computer tester and upon acceleration the vacuum drops close to 0 (like 0.4) and then it goes back up when you get off the accelerator.

We only use Shell gas 95% or Chevron gas. Never Wally World because our vehicle did horrible when using gas from there when we first purchased vehicle.

No lights on dash.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

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First off how many miles are on it? Second are there any stored codes? There should be if you unplugged the maf sensor.

The vacuum reading is fine the engine only makes vacuum when the throttle plate is closed.

Things that could cause poor acceleration are plugs, wires, fuel filter, fuel, air filter or could be more serious like clogged catalytic converters or any of the other sensors that control fuel or air.

Regarding fuel there is no need to run 95 octane gas it will not do anything for your car. They are designed to run on 87 octane gas.

It has 136,039 miles. I ran the Actron auto scanner and one of those Bluetooth readers again this morning and still no codes. I guess today we can unplug again and run the scanner while it is unplugged to see if any codes get pulled.

The fuel filter gets changed every two to three years (last time was this year when we started having this problem). The air filter we just changed out two days ago with one of those paper ones.

Plug and wires have not been changed. But it says online if you hear interference when your audio system is being used – wires are surely gone. So those two things are on list. I even wondered if a transmission issue since have never flushed. Last time vehicle was in, we were going to have it flushed and the service manager said don't touch because most time you will start it to having trouble.

Would there be a better scanner to read those sensors for the average guy or girl? Or that will only help if a code comes up?

So for example this morning with Actron scanner
• The reading on 02 sensors said all 4 are ok.
• The reading on catalyst said all 2 ok
• The reading on the EGR said ok
• The reading on EVAP said all 2 ok
• The reading on Cylinders said all 6 ok

Another update.

Hubby used the vehicle this morning. He comes home and the car set for close to an hour (maybe two I don't know). We go out and did the unplug thing and ran the scanner. This time it dies right away. We did this a second time and it died right away.

Total opposite from what happen previously.

But still no code!

Is there any other symptoms when the problem happens odd shaking, noises, or just the slow acceleration?

Here is what I am thinking you said the problem is intermittent and not all the time. I dont think either of the maf or throttle body being dirty would cause that problem it should be all the time. So how about environmental conditions when it happens? If you can check the egr value with the scan tool but again I would think that would be all the time not intermittent.

Thanks RcFlyer330.

No other symptoms really (no shaking or noises). Just hesitation/slow acceleration (meaning we had to get up off accelerator and hit it a 2'nd or 3'rd time - like it was saying what you want me to do and then go oh speed up). Then it would jump to help you pass or get out way of trouble. Long ago it would take just one hit.

What we ended up doing was changing out my favorite K&N filter back to paper and running a can of seaform during a fill up. I worry because when we use to run the paper filter rain flood in the streets would shut us down. Let it set a few and then it would crack.

But as of now, that issue seems okay. At least okay enough that I don’t have to worry about getting run over.

The new issue is an off and on smell of oil but we’re not losing oil. Oil always registers full and no oil on driveway. However, we can see a bit of oil around valve cover gasket. Dealership can put those on and quoted us $550.

I just don’t know how soon.

Sorry but it always seem to take forever to get back.
