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Max AC question


Well-Known Member
November 30, 2000
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ford Explorer XLT
If I have my AC selector set for Max AC, is there air coming in thru the hood vents to the cabin or is it all being recirculated in the cabin?

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If I have my AC selector set for Max AC, is there air coming in thru the hood vents to the cabin or is it all being recirculated in the cabin?

MAX A/C = recirculate. however, some fresh air still gets in through the cowl vents, just not as much. this is necessary so plug off the cowl vents.

I'm digging this one back up.

So, is there a way to run your A/C without recirc? All of my other vehicles have the option of A/C with or without recirc.

any setting other than A/C MAX is non-recirculating.

So, is there a way to run your A/C without recirc? All of my other vehicles have the option of A/C with or without recirc.
Yes, don't use "Max A/C" :)
It's in the owner manual.

Man I've been around cars for 25+ years now and this one has me stumped. Okay it doesn't much....But what buttons do I push to get this thing to run the A/C without recirc? It seems that I've tried all the combinations. No owner's manual came with it when I bought it. If one doesn't come with the pink, I'll buy one. Thanks for any assistance.

I just found the owner's manual PDF online for free...awesome! Didn't answer the question I had but it's good to have it finally.

Oh and I have the Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC) system and I don't see a "normal" A/C setting anywhere.

as you have a Limited, I'm assuming you have the EATC controls (Electronic Automatic Temp Controls) and not the standard 3-knob manual HVAC controls. if you have the EATC, there's an AUTOMATIC button and an OFF button. there is only one button that says A/C MAX, all the other buttons (VENT, FLOOR, PNL/FLOOR, FLOOR/DEFROST and DEFROST) will not cause the A/C to work in recirculation mode. you also have TEMP up and TEMP down buttons and a temp setting display, which tells you what the temperature selected is. if the A/C MAX button is pressed, the temp is automatically set to 60F and can not be adjusted. in any other setting the temperature can be set to anything between 60F and 90F. the A/C compressor may run in any setting except VENT and FLOOR. this is to remove humidity from the cabin. the Limited probably also has a REAR PANEL button for the rear seat controls, and there's a thumb wheel for variable fan speed adjustment. some of these controls are repeated on your steering wheel. I don't understand your confusion. the ONLY setting that will cause recirculation is A/C MAX, period. there is no A/C NORMAL button. if it's 90F outside and you set the EATC control temp to 75F the A/C will run w/out recirculation.

Thanks for the info. It would just stand to reason if there was a MAX A/C button there would be a Normal A/C button. As it is, I can select MAX A/C then dial up the temp. It sounds like if I where to do this say to 65F it kick off of recirc and give me fresh A/C. Thanks for your patience.

From the manual: "For continuous maximum cooling, push the blue button until 16°C
(60°F) is shown in the display window. The EATC will continue
maximum cooling (disregarding the displayed temperature) until a
warmer temperature is selected by pressing the red button." and then also says, "The air conditioning compressor will operate in all modes except FLOOR
and VENT. It will also operate only when required when AUTOMATIC
has been selected." All I want to happen is fresh air A/C (A/C compressor on) coming out the same vents as MAX A/C. It sounds like if I set the temp at 65F while in MAX A/C mode that it will kick it out of recirc. but keep the compressor on. It that a fair statement?

Yeah love PDFs. Definally the way to go. Nice printing too.

as you have a Limited, I'm assuming you have the EATC controls (Electronic Automatic Temp Controls) and not the standard 3-knob manual HVAC controls. if you have the EATC, there's an AUTOMATIC button and an OFF button. there is only one button that says A/C MAX, all the other buttons (VENT, FLOOR, PNL/FLOOR, FLOOR/DEFROST and DEFROST) will not cause the A/C to work in recirculation mode. you also have TEMP up and TEMP down buttons and a temp setting display, which tells you what the temperature selected is. if the A/C MAX button is pressed, the temp is automatically set to 60F and can not be adjusted. in any other setting the temperature can be set to anything between 60F and 90F. the A/C compressor may run in any setting except VENT and FLOOR. this is to remove humidity from the cabin. the Limited probably also has a REAR PANEL button for the rear seat controls, and there's a thumb wheel for variable fan speed adjustment. some of these controls are repeated on your steering wheel. I don't understand your confusion. the ONLY setting that will cause recirculation is A/C MAX, period. there is no A/C NORMAL button. if it's 90F outside and you set the EATC control temp to 75F the A/C will run w/out recirculation.

It's all starting to sink in...

WELL I see the local expert Koda is here :)

I'm going back into my AC System fault that I found when I got my X Last year. New bit of information I didn't have then, though..

A Typical troubleshooting step with the AC is to grab the HVAC lines while the hood is open and the AC is lit up at Max. Usually the High-end line is colder than the low end.

Problem: AC Runs well at Idle. gets warm while on the gas.

new bit of info: I left a fast-food spot for lunch with the AC running at MAX. The usual, no Air while on the gas. problem got worse: No cold air after 2 minutes sitting idle. Popped the hood, took hold of the HVAC lines and both were as warm as the rest of the engine bay. Any suggestions on why that may be?

If I figure out what'd cause that I might could fix that and not care about the new Passenger front window not being able to roll down (insert Eye roll here)

Oh, right, She's a Limited. That annoying little EATC system is on board my machine.

You lost the refrigerant.
There is a pressure testing port on the LOW side - you can put in there a gauge from any A/C recharging kit. Measure with A/C on recirc, set at 60F.
