Michilin M/S vs Michilin A/T | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Michilin M/S vs Michilin A/T

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probably not much.... the michelins are a very good tire for all types of street encountered conditions... they are good also in snow, rain, ice....however, i would not try them at any offroading, they just werent designed for it, even though they have a mud and snow tire....

I've got the M/S courtesy of Ford's recall. They work great on the street and in the snow, but they pick up stones like crazy.

Thanks for all the info - went with the Michilin M/S and really like them. The Explorer is like a new vehicle - rides much better, handles better, and is quieter that the Goodyear Wrangler RT/S.


Tell me more please Gimp

Hello there, I am in a quandry on this. M/s vs the A/T. Keeping me up an night and all that.

Seriously though, you say the A/T's are not noiser that the m/s's. How about millage of real tread. As with most tires they get about 1/2 life then get hard and loose traction big time. Are either of these prone to this? How about snow and icy roads? I really like the looks of the A/T and better capabilities of it, but I usually end up spending most of my time on the road and the M/S looks like it would be better for that. The cross terrains do not appeal to me at all, solid outside lug, bad for hydrplaning. I could chat tires a bunch since I am a bit of a tire nut, but any advice/information would be helpful. P.S. I have a 95 4x4 stock. Plan on the 31x10.5x15 size. Running not so goodyear RT/S's (really terible stuff :D ) Thanks for the info.

Cross Terrains Pick up stones like crazy too!

My LTX ATs have 43K miles on them. If you stick the penny in the tread head first, I can bury poor Lincoln's head up to his chin. The ATs work fine for pavement and better than the MS for dirt and snow. Unless I was certain that my Explorer would never leave the pavement (that's not likely to ever happen) I would choose the LTS ATs any day. I've probably got another 20K of useful tread left on them and they are quieter than my original Wilderness ATs ever were.

I have 50K+ on my Sears M/S knockoffs and they still have 9-10MM of tread.

"As with most tires they get about 1/2 life then get hard and loose traction big time. Are either of these prone to this? How about snow and icy roads? "

Camm - I have not seen/felt any decrease in traction with these tires, even at 50K. They are great in the snow and quiet too! I've had several different Michelins on my Escort and never found them to loose traction with age/wear. For road use, I am a big fan of Michelins.

Thanks to all responding on this topic. My 96 Ex needs tires before the snow flies and the Michelin LTX M/S got on the short list after checking out some lower-price options. I can't find many people with much negative to say. I priced a set out this morning and will pull the trigger shortly. They are replacing a set of Bridgestone APTs which have been OK but kinda numb feeling. The Ex is my wife's but is becoming mine soon (if ya know how that works...) and I don't take it off road much, just unpaved roads or varying quality, so they should work OK.


Not to down Michelin but For 20-30$ cheaper I have had great luck with yoakahamas geolander AT. They live very very very long. And I tow a boat that is probly a tad bit heavy for my explorer to tow but the tires tow great and dont wear much at all. They have performed tremendasly in sand and are a good rain tire as well. The tred is deep enough and does fairly good in mud to.The yokahama geolander AT also looks good on explorers. I run 30X9.50s' and 3.73 gears. These tires have definently paid for themselves. Maybe you guys dont want to get away from michelin. They to make a good tire, but I figured I would share my expieriences with yal anyway.

Why does michelin rate the LTX M/S and the cross ter better in snow than the LTX A/T?

The feedback on tirerack.com is the opposite, rating the A/T the best.

Whats up with that?

need to clarify,

Michelin refers to "winter" driving, not snow.

Michelin rates the A/T as a 6, M/S as a 8, and the Cross terrain as a 9.

I don't get it.

Hello Big J,
Please tell me more about your Yokohama's. I am torn between the Michelin M/S, A/T BFGoodrich AT, and the Yokohama's. They all cost pretty close to the same. How are they for rocks, on road ride, noise, wear you say is long. Does the rubber get really hard especially in 1/2 life and below? Thanks for the info.

Michelin M/S are great

I finally got rid of the x&*%@!! Bridgestone Dueler APT IIs I had on the Exploder and put on some Michelin M/S. I saw good reviews here and on Tire Rack and have to say these tires are great for the way we use the X.

Quiet on the road, smooth out the ride a lot. Very quiet. Really good steering repsonse and decent in the rain. Even my wife noticed the difference and she is not sensitive to that stuff. We don't off road it (just dirt roads) so I can't tell about that, or snow. But I'll have a read on that in a couple months.

Michelins are a bit pricey, but I got a road hazard warranty thrown in on the deal so it is not too bad--about $560 including an alignment. Off hand thay are worth every penny.
