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Fuel Line Blues


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2013
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94 Mazda Navajo
I'm still stuck with the lovemaking fuel line on the pump. I can do whatever I want, I don't get that sucker out.

That plastic tool squeezes in, but the connector still doesn't budge. If I try to hammer the line out, all that happens is that the tool pops out again.

Does anyone have a nifty trick how to get the line out?

I'm close to simply cut that stupid thing off and get a new fuel line from the shop. Is this a standard part, or something specific to the Explorer?

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Push the tool in then push the line inward the tool should go in a little further ,now while still holding the tool in pull the line, if you need alot of force then you have corrosion and need to soak it with alot of good penetrating oil,

I never have much luck with those. The teeth/fingers in the retaining clips (on the fuel line side) always hang up and get bent back, the more you fight it. Fortunately the fittings on both sides are resilient. What has always worked for me is fighting with it for a half hour, succeeding by brute force shredding the fingers, and replacing the fingers with a new one. Same story when doing the fuel filter. The clips hate me but I always win... eventually.

Links to new ones (not sure which is the right size)


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Spin the tool as you push the line in..

Thanks for the hints, guys. Tried everything in the book so far. Seems like the fingers got bent and are stuck now as Arco described.

Cutting off the nipple at the fuel pump with a hack saw and then just destroy the stump with some pliers and pull it out? What do you think?

Getting parts here takes around three weeks.

Thanks for the hints, guys. Tried everything in the book so far. Seems like the fingers got bent and are stuck now as Arco described.

Cutting off the nipple at the fuel pump with a hack saw and then just destroy the stump with some pliers and pull it out? What do you think?

Getting parts here takes around three weeks.

No, just keep working at it. The fingers on the clip will eventually give. You might mangle them but it's better than tearing up the pump bracket fitting. Once you get it apart, if you can't get a new retainer clip in a timely manner, you can probably bend the stock one back into shape (carefully) well enough to seal. The backup clip that holds the line on as a failsafe will help too.

Try all the fuel line tools you can get your hands on. There are several varieties of the same basic idea. Also, I have had some success sacrificing the cap off a Sharpie to accomplish the same purpose. Anything you can slip in there to pry the fingers up and get them past the ridge on the nipple/fitting.

Yeehaw! I got it out! Some solid hammering and a pair of deftly pliers did the trick. The fingers are toast. I'll try to bend them back and hope the retaining clips will hold that thing together until I get the new fingers in.

Thanks again, folks. This is truly one of the most helpful fora I've seen in me life.

Yeehaw! I got it out! Some solid hammering and a pair of deftly pliers did the trick. The fingers are toast. I'll try to bend them back and hope the retaining clips will hold that thing together until I get the new fingers in.

Thanks again, folks. This is truly one of the most helpful fora I've seen in me life.


Up and running!!!

The retainer ring was another female dog that gave in just in time (I was running out of beer)

Thanks again to everyone!
