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mirrror question


March 29, 2009
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98 explorer
i have a 95 explorer xlt i have searched the board and can not find a answer ok here is my question my driver side works great but the passanger side the mirror will go up and down but it will not go in and out i pulled the door apart and check the wireing and i checked the switch it does nothing when i try to set the in and out but like i said it will go up and down

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Mine does the same thing. I think something inside the mirror (possibly the motors) are shorting out.

If I try to move mine out it moves up. If I try to move it in it moves down.

I have 96 xlt
not sure if the 95 is the same but I had the exact same problem and spent days trying to fix it. It turned out that my switch had gone bad.
I even tried to fix the switch but couldn't.
I tried ford and couldn't find the correct part but if you search this forum you will find some one parting out one.

ya but the thing is the driver side will go up and down and side to side if it was the switch wouldnt both side act the same

I'm no electrician which probably explains why I couldn't fix my old switch.
But like I said that was the exact same problem I had on my 96 xlt .
My switch is the 4 way toggle with a 3 position selector above . (1/left - left mirror).. (2/middle -nothing) and (3/right - right mirror) left mirror worked perfectly but when I switched to right mirror only the up and down worked , no side to side.
When I took the switch off and apart there was a really bizzare configuration ( like I said I am no electirician) and i tried jumpers and shorting across different contacts and could never really understand the way it was wired.
I felt like I tried everything and figured that the switch I found here from a guy who was parting an explorer out and would sell and ship to me for 18 dollars was money well spent . When the switch arrived I checked that mine was still not working( it wasn't) and changed them out and BINGO both mirrors worked.
If you decide to try it and can't find any switches write back and I'll dig up the info I can on the guy here who sent me the switch . it seemed like he was parting out a lot of explorers.
hop this was a little help
