mountaineer rolls away | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mountaineer rolls away


New Member
March 15, 2010
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New Boston NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 mountaineer
I have a 97 mountaineer 5.0 AWD my vehicle now slowly rolls away when in park. I also noticed that the front end no longer seems to be locked up. Could this be a viscus problem? :(

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97 mountaineer

No the front shaft is still in, but I'm able to brakestand it without the front tires locking up, just the backs spin

You can brakestand your AWD? with the front driveshaft in place?
You either have nothing inside your front differential anymore, or the transfercase has serious issues.

I agree, front diff. dosen't seem to be making noise though. I will be putting it on a lift soon and will see if anything is obvious. Havent had the chance to investigate. Just looking for ideas, or things to look at

I would get it up on the lift, and spin the front wheels. See what happens. Obviously if it turns the front driveshaft when the transmission is in park, then there is certainly something catastrophic going on in the transfercase.
But if it does not and you can spin the wheels, the problem is in the front differential.

thanks I will try that. probably tonight

looks like i need a new front drive shaft

How did you determine the need for a new front drive shaft? Did you put the vehicle on a lift and try to spin the front tires by hand as suggested? If so, what was the result?

yes I did put it on the lift. The rear joint on the shaft was grenaded everything else seemed fine

Ok, I just wanted to make sure you went through the above process and weren't just assuming the drive shaft needed replacement. If you have the CV style drive shaft, I believe NAPA can get them for around $250. The last time I checked was about 3 years ago, so the price might have changed some.

Thanks unfortunety I don't have the CV style I have the "cardone style.GKN ball and socket" I believe this is the right word? style

Ok, I just wanted to make sure you went through the above process and weren't just assuming the drive shaft needed replacement. If you have the CV style drive shaft, I believe NAPA can get them for around $250. The last time I checked was about 3 years ago, so the price might have changed some.

PM ericautopart, he can beat that price easily
