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Movies to Watch While Social Distancing

I couldn't find Bone Tomahawk anywhere. Not on Netflix, HBO or on demand with Direct TV.

I watched Birthday Girl again last night. Funny movie with a great cast, especially if you like Nicole Kidman.
I think it is on Amazon Prime Video.

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We just watched the Ballad of Buster Scruggs last night and really enjoyed it. It has to be the funniest and most bizarre Western movie behind Blazing Saddles.

Watched Zombieland Double tap. It was just bad.. Zombieland was good.

We just watched the Ballad of Buster Scruggs last night and really enjoyed it. It has to be the funniest and most bizarre Western movie behind Blazing Saddles.
Try FDR -American Badass if you like those two. It’s free on Tubi, among other places. Everyone at work has been quoting it. I’m just curious who will get called to HR first.

zombieland doubletap made it about 4 minutes in our dvd player before I frisbee'd it
Sad to see a Woody Harrelson flick be SOOOO STUPID AND BAD

Watched Bloodshot with Vindiesel, its actually pretty dam good movie! I am not a Vin Diesel fan but he was good in this one and the movie is very interesting and well done. Interesting concept and plot twists, we enjoyed it

Watched Call of the Wild with Harrison Ford with the kids. Awesome movie, CGI is really amazing these days

Also finally saw Doolittle, I enjoyed it, although it seems there is some magic missing, just something missing. This is a good movie and funny at times, it just seems so fake so it was hard to connect with if that makes sense...where as call of the wild is also super obvious fake CGI dogs and stuff but the magic is there so easier to connect with? If that makes sense......

Bulworth is another good movie. Warren Beatty plays a US senator (Jay Bulworth) who takes out a hit on himself and then gets a conscience and starts telling the truth about politics. The rants Bulworth makes in this movie are epic. Here is the best one, IMO. Especially considering this movie came out in 1998 and it is very relevant today. A warning, there is profanity.

Good ideas and lists here, thanks.

Here's one from a movie line that nobody seems to have watched, given the poor last versions. Predator was great, but the next few versions got slowly worse. I ran into the middle of one that was set in a town, I forgot the name of it, but then wanted to find it to start from the beginning. I recorded it, and also found another I hadn't heard of.

I think this is the last movie of them, it's called "The Predator." I highly recommend it, it's very different, set in the US in various places, lots of character stuff, people, jokes etc. It only has two predators, it's about one that crash lands and is caught, main character survives that beginning, gets interrogated and stuck in a group of other mentals, on a bus that ends up where the alien is, and off to find his son where he shipped a mask. It's full of different action, plenty of laughs and great character stuff. Not kid friendly, but anyone who likes military and the alien action should dig it.

Here's one joke from the movie, minus the punch line, you have to see it to catch that; "What's the difference between five big black guys and a joke?"


Just kidding.........., I can take a joke.

Just watched The Ridiculous 6 last night. Hysterical movie with an excellent cast.

Just watched The Ridiculous 6 last night. Hysterical movie with an excellent cast.
I never thought that would be good because I didn't really like The Hateful 8, now I will have to watch it.

Now I have to watch Hateful 8. I hadn't heard of it before. If I had seen the previews I must not have paid attention. We've been watching a bunch of Tarantino films lately.

Brian, we watched The Hateful 8 last night. You're right it wasn't that good. Very drawn out and slow paced. We watched the extended version on Netfilx, so I don't know what was added from the original.

While I was up in Kingman, it was movie night every night. The RV park had good WiFi, so I could get netflix. I watch a bunch of Star Trek original series (on DVD), always awesome. I also watched a few episodes of Firefly series, which I have on DVD.

The Ridiculous 6. It was very funny
365 Days. Didn't get through it because its just stupid. Beautiful woman, but stupid movie.
El Camino. Pretty good, dark movie. If you liked Breaking Bad you will like this.
The Good Guys. I really liked this movie.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Do I even need to say it was awesome?
Raiders of the Lost Ark, original. Great, clean action movie.
Serenity (Firefly series movie). Great movie, its my go to movie when there is nothing else I want to watch available. It has one of my favorite movie lines; "I aim to misbehave".

I'm watching doctor who all of It 26 series 11seasons Christmas specials and movies. In order

Anyway I'm in to deep to stop now
They're not making tv like this anymore

I'm watching doctor who all of It 26 series 11seasons Christmas specials and movies. In order

Now this is commitment to a task. I am saving the long running TV series that I haven't watched until I am bed ridden in a nursing home. I figure I will need some time consuming entertainment then if I live this long.

I'm watching doctor who all of It 26 series 11seasons Christmas specials and movies. In order

Anyway I'm in to deep to stop now
They're not making tv like this anymoreView attachment 318729
Now this is commitment to a task. I am saving the long running TV series that I haven't watched until I am bed ridden in a nursing home. I figure I will need some time consuming entertainment then if I live this long.
That's like watching every episode of Two and a Half Men in order. That would take months, but worth it.

thread hasnt been active for a while and its more of a childrens movie, but Black Widow has a 1st gen in it i think! :biggthump:

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I'll add in a French TV series "War of the Worlds." It doesn't have the same plot line of the original, just the name. It is mostly done in English and the French parts are subtitled. Quite a good series and the plot line is fresh and not a retread.
