mp3 Clean Install on 2006 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mp3 Clean Install on 2006 XLT


August 19, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Minneapolis, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'06 XLT V8 4.6L
I'm pretty happy with this install of an mp3/aux input on my 06 XLT.

This is the Peripheral pxdx2 with a Sansa e280R unit that can play my Rhapsody catalog. I am sorta in love with this set up, with Rhapsody I don't need to monkey around with CD's cuz almost everything I want is available and I can load 2000 songs on this device. Sounds really good too!



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Well done! How did you hook up the peripheral to the factory radio ( I'm assuming you don't have a front jack anywhere. )
Best regards,

No front jack on the 06 :mad:

When you order the pxdx2 they ask which wiring harness you need and they send you the Ford harness with the unit.

You need to pull the head unit to install the harness, which actually was not too bad, here's a step by step walk thru that's really good (although I did not see this until after I was done!)

The only trouble I had was sliding the head unit back in with all the extra bulk of the new harness... finally was able to manipulate it back together.

I'm pretty impatient, but was able to get thru this install with minimal stress... actually was more convenient than taking to an installer and waiting for them to do it. Total time actually doing the install was around an hour.:)

How did you "mount" your MP3 player?

I am planning on doing the same setup, as I have a Sansa (6GB), and also a Creative Zen Vision M (30GB).

In the picture, is your Sansa "hooked" onto the console with velcro? How is it hanging there, nice and out of the way?

Yep, it's just velcro and it works great. This is "automotive" velcro from the auto parts store which is supposedly better for the plastic dash if you need to remove it at some point. Who knows, but it's only like $1.99 so can't complain.

One thing is leaving the car out in the midsummer hot sun does melt the velcro glue somewhat so just toss the unit in center console under these specific circumstances. Otherwise I leave it stuck on the dash 100% of the time unless I'm updating to Rhasopdy online.

Another thing is I also used velcro to mount the pxdx2 box to the rough console plastic underneath the dash. Well this surface is not the best and in Minnesota's -25 winter this year it gave way. So I am just gonna put 2 really small screws thru the velcro to hold it firm. The box is very light and hangs from the wiring just fine anyway and hardly even needs to be mounted, just cleans it up a little more.

I like velcro cuz you just pull it off anytime you need to and it really stays put very well. Also you can readjust the position of the unit if needed.

The glue has been the only issue and that's really very minor. I highly recommend this set up as extremely easy, cheap and convenient. Good luck, I think the Sansa kicks butt and now I almost never use the 6-disc CD changer. It's nice to have several options though cuz radio shows & music can get pretty annoying, especially on long trips. Do you use with Rhapsody?

Regarding Rhapsody

Yes I am a Rhapsody to Go subscriber, and I love it. I have found so much great new music this way (also heard alot of junk). I only wish they had a yearly or multiple year plan instead of a flat $15/month.

However, I have had issues syncing the Sansa and the Zen at times, end up with duplicates, forced to re-license, etc. But having tried other services, I think Rhapsody is best overall (for non-ipod people).

I am quite an audiophile, and like you, my CD collection is not being used as much as 5 or 6 years ago.

Thanks for the tips on the velcro usage. I have already ordered the pxdx2 w/ford harness off of ebay. I hope to perform the install shortly thereafter.

Thanks again!!

Cool deal. :thumbsup: It seems like not too many people I talk to use Rhapsody, but I think it's the greatest thing ever. Everyone seems to use itunes, but I can NOT ever see myself using itunes, the mere thought of buying a single song makes me wanna barf!

I wish it was a little cheaper, but $15/month for millions of songs just makes a heck of a lot more sense to me. I also have found great music I never would have discovered if not for this service and I'm just afraid someone evil is gonna screw it up somehow (it is owned partly by MTV?).

Anyway, hopefully it continues as is. I have had only very minor issues syncing to the Sansa. I did not know you could get a 30G Creative Zen that also works with Rhaspsody? That works pretty good too? Might have to check it out!

Yes I am a Rhapsody to Go subscriber, and I love it. I have found so much great new music this way (also heard alot of junk). I only wish they had a yearly or multiple year plan instead of a flat $15/month.

However, I have had issues syncing the Sansa and the Zen at times, end up with duplicates, forced to re-license, etc. But having tried other services, I think Rhapsody is best overall (for non-ipod people).

I am quite an audiophile, and like you, my CD collection is not being used as much as 5 or 6 years ago.

Thanks for the tips on the velcro usage. I have already ordered the pxdx2 w/ford harness off of ebay. I hope to perform the install shortly thereafter.

Thanks again!!

This Rhapsody sounds interesting guys. I have to admit that most of my recent music collection was acquired for free but I do use iTunes occasionally. Does Rhapsody have the same selection as iTunes or Napster?

I think your best bet is just to subscribe for a month or two and check it out. It's $15/month (for the premium "to go" service) and I'm pretty sure you can cancel right away so if you hate it it's just like buying a bad CD. You should prolly start with the cheapest option just to see if they have what you want. The music selection is prolly similar to other services cuz I assume once the rights are granted to one they are for sale to all.

There are a few frustrating omissions, but overwhelmingly I am shocked at how much stuff is on this service. There are pretty complete catalogs for a TON of rock and jazz artists... going back decades depending on who it is of course. Check out Eric Clapton, the Who, Dave Brubeck, etc... there's several DAYS worth of music for old guard artists like this and new stuff is usually available pretty quick although I listen to mostly old stuff.

I own hundreds of CDs, but if I replicated what I listen to on Rhapsody I would need thousands... no thanks! And 90+% of my painstakingly acquired CD collection is available on Rhapsody, so I could prolly just ditch it.

I'm an office worker so I listen all day to Rhapsody at work... no commercials and custom tailored music to fit the environment (no heavy metal at the office). I just keep the volume low and if someone needs to talk just hit mute. Having an mp3 that can play it in the car kicks ass cuz then I can roll out heavier rock or whatever I can't listen to at the office and turn it up as loud as I want.

Anyway, this service has saved me a lot of $$$ and hassle cuz there is very little need to mess with CD's now which in hindsight is an expensive pain in the butt. And since I like to have entire catalogs at my fingertips which is many many thousands of songs "buying" from itunes is NOT an option.

Lastly, I also have a bunch of "free" mp3's as well as my entire CD collection on my hard drive. I really don't use them much at all because Rhapsody is way more convenient... the interface is pretty slick.

I think your best bet is just to subscribe for a month or two and check it out. It's $15/month (for the premium "to go" service) and I'm pretty sure you can cancel right away so if you hate it it's just like buying a bad CD. You should prolly start with the cheapest option just to see if they have what you want. The music selection is prolly similar to other services cuz I assume once the rights are granted to one they are for sale to all.

There are a few frustrating omissions, but overwhelmingly I am shocked at how much stuff is on this service. There are pretty complete catalogs for a TON of rock and jazz artists... going back decades depending on who it is of course. Check out Eric Clapton, the Who, Dave Brubeck, etc... there's several DAYS worth of music for old guard artists like this and new stuff is usually available pretty quick although I listen to mostly old stuff.

I own hundreds of CDs, but if I replicated what I listen to on Rhapsody I would need thousands... no thanks! And 90+% of my painstakingly acquired CD collection is available on Rhapsody, so I could prolly just ditch it.

I'm an office worker so I listen all day to Rhapsody at work... no commercials and custom tailored music to fit the environment (no heavy metal at the office). I just keep the volume low and if someone needs to talk just hit mute. Having an mp3 that can play it in the car kicks ass cuz then I can roll out heavier rock or whatever I can't listen to at the office and turn it up as loud as I want.

Anyway, this service has saved me a lot of $$$ and hassle cuz there is very little need to mess with CD's now which in hindsight is an expensive pain in the butt. And since I like to have entire catalogs at my fingertips which is many many thousands of songs "buying" from itunes is NOT an option.

Lastly, I also have a bunch of "free" mp3's as well as my entire CD collection on my hard drive. I really don't use them much at all because Rhapsody is way more convenient... the interface is pretty slick.

Mark, thanks for the info. I'll probably join up tonight. I have been looking for a complete Beatles collection. Maybe I can find it there.

Dude, there is no Beatles or Led Zep :mad: These guys own their own stuff and have chosen not to join the party I guess, but most other big name stuff is out there... happy listening! :cool:

Wharrio, do you use Ipod? and....

Rhapsody To Go service is NOT compatible w/Ipod. So if I were you, I'd pick up a 2 or 4gb Sansa device, which you can get for $50 - $100 on ebay or anywhere really.

On another note (remember what started this thread?), my PXDX2 box arrived today and I am psyched to get it installed. Today is Thursday, hope to do this on Saturday.

I'd love to post pics, but how do you post pics into a thread?

(had problems on another post, couldn't do it)

Rhapsody To Go service is NOT compatible w/Ipod. So if I were you, I'd pick up a 2 or 4gb Sansa device, which you can get for $50 - $100 on ebay or anywhere really.

On another note (remember what started this thread?), my PXDX2 box arrived today and I am psyched to get it installed. Today is Thursday, hope to do this on Saturday.

I'd love to post pics, but how do you post pics into a thread?

(had problems on another post, couldn't do it)

I am kinda stuck with the iPod because I have the Alpine head with the iPod interface. I can control it from the touch screen in the head unit. Does Rhapsody not allow you to download mp3's? That's all you need for an iPod.

Hammy, just upload the pix to a free photo site like photobucket and copy the IMG address into your post and the pic should show up. Seems like forums tend to work like this for pics.

Wharriso, I think you can "buy" mp3's from Rhapsody and download to any device including ipod, but I would not recommend this. That's the same racket as itunes so just use it for this. The whole point of Rhapsody and similar services is subscribing to the entire catalog instead of dinking around with individual downloads. Song by song downloads suck a$$.

Your Alpine HU should have a regular mini jack you can plug another mp3 unit into I hope. If it's only ipod compatible that's really lame. A standard mini jack must cost around 25 cents so I can't understand why all radio mfrs just don't put the darn thing on standard!

Anyway, assuming you have a mini jack I would get a cheap Sansa like Hammy said and try the Rhapsody To Go service. This allows you to download encrypted subscription files which Ipod does not support so you do need a compatible unit. The key thing about To Go is you download all your selected tunes in mass, just highlight everything you want on the unit and drag it to the device. Again, no chicken sh*t individual song choices to worry about, just take everything and anything you might want!


OK. In case you don't live in the NY/NJ/CT metro area and haven't heard, we got hit with 6-8 inches of snow todayWith plenty of sick days available to me, I decided to avoid my commute and call out. After snowblowing my pathways, driveway, and helping neighbors, I decided to tackle the install of my PXDX2 box.

Thanks to the person who posted these pics, they were a tremendous help:

I connected the 16-pin and 24-pin cables into the radio, and re-connected the Ford cables to the provided harness cable, as instructed.

I did perform a brief test BEFORE re-installing everything, pressing the AUX button and immediately hearing the music from my Creative Zen player through the speakers. I will admit, I only tested for about 30 seconds, I found out later I should have tested longer.

I put everything back without much issue, however I still need to buy some velcro to attched the PXDX2 unit to the under-console ala' Mark's setup, so the box is just hanging down there.

A couple hours later, I have to head out, so I decide while I am out I'll pickup some Auto Velcro at a nearby Home Depot, and also play some tunes through my new setup.

Much to my chagrin (I think that means "unexpected and negative surprise"), when I pressed the AUX button and connected my player via my PXDX2, I heard my music for about 30 seconds, and then the stereo kicked back onto an FM station. Simultaneously, the CD player when into a state of flux, acting as though the CD player was loaded (it was empty) and attempting to cycle/search through the CD slots (I have multi-CD).

I tried again and again, and each time the same frustrating result. I also noticed the PXDX2 box gets VERY HOT. Is that normal?

I also noticed that when I press AUX once, the display changes to SAT1, press again SAT2, and again, SAT3. Why? Is this normal?

I also re-checked my dip switch settings as per the Peripheral manual and they were set to the Ford settings. On a lark, I changed them to the Toyota settings and I got the "No Aux" message on the radio, so that was definitely NOT the problem.

I guess I will open the console up again and re-check my connections, but in the meantime, ANY IDEAS?????


My CD changer flipped out a couple times since installing the pxdx2, but not quite as bad as what you are describing. The only solution I have found is to shut off the car completely and re-start then the HU works fine. This happened like twice within a month of installing the pxdx2 and it's worked perfectly for the past 6 months.

I am not an audio tech at all, so maybe take it in to a pro and have them check it out if it continues misbehaving. Disconnecting the battery might help reboot the system and get the electronics working correctly? I guess I thought the micro-processors got confused just like computers do all the time.

The SAT1/2/3 thing I assume is perfectly normal since this is how mine cycles thru when you hit the AUX button repeatedly. I guess this might allow you to connect sat radio in addition to an mp3? Anyway the mp3 signal is fine on all 3 channels so no worries. Just hit am/fm to get back to the radio of course.

Good luck Ham, get that biatch working right and you'll forget all about the damn snow or else get out there snowboarding or whatever and forget all about the damn car!

Dip switches, Sirius DLP??

Wow, I found out ALOT of stuff tonight on what MAY BE the issue here.

Check this link, on a Ford Fusion site, another PXDX2 user with my exact problem, but the thread never resolves the issue.

Now check out this one, an F150 forum thread, that states the dip switches in the Peripheral manual are incorrect, and a dealer/installer confirmed this (only 4 should be "ON"):

This thread mentions a factory SIRIUS DLP, I may have this!! But I do not have the Sirius subscription, so it's not really being used.

And finally, this mentions that the factory satelite or rear seat entertainment (RSE) system must be disconnected for the PXDX2 to work. (See 2006 Ford Ex compatibility)

I will try the dip switch fix first because that is the easiest thing to try. Betond this, I will look into disconnecting/disabling the Sirius DLP.

I will follow up on what actually works. Crossing my fingas'!!!

Hammy, just upload the pix to a free photo site like photobucket and copy the IMG address into your post and the pic should show up. Seems like forums tend to work like this for pics.

Wharriso, I think you can "buy" mp3's from Rhapsody and download to any device including ipod, but I would not recommend this. That's the same racket as itunes so just use it for this. The whole point of Rhapsody and similar services is subscribing to the entire catalog instead of dinking around with individual downloads. Song by song downloads suck a$$.

Your Alpine HU should have a regular mini jack you can plug another mp3 unit into I hope. If it's only ipod compatible that's really lame. A standard mini jack must cost around 25 cents so I can't understand why all radio mfrs just don't put the darn thing on standard!

Anyway, assuming you have a mini jack I would get a cheap Sansa like Hammy said and try the Rhapsody To Go service. This allows you to download encrypted subscription files which Ipod does not support so you do need a compatible unit. The key thing about To Go is you download all your selected tunes in mass, just highlight everything you want on the unit and drag it to the device. Again, no chicken sh*t individual song choices to worry about, just take everything and anything you might want!

Mark - My Alpine HU does not have an mp3 jack, but why would I need that when I have this?


My ipod is in the glove box, I have not seen it in months. You might think its lame, but I don't. :)

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You misread Mark's comment

wharriso, I don't think Mark meant to call your setup lame. Moreso, he meant that if your setup is ONLY Ipod compatible, then that would be lame because you would not be able to use a non-Ipod mp3 player with your system.

Again, that would squash your plans to try and use Rhapsody To Go service with a non-Ipod mp3 player, because then you wouldn't be able to use it with your present setup, BEACUSE YOU DON'T HAVE AN MP3 JACK ON YOUR UNIT.

Sounds like your setup is for Ipod only (alot out there) because I assume your system allows you to control the Ipod through the stereo and like you stated, you can stash your Ipod out of the way because of these nice features. A lot of systems allow for Ipod control because the Ipod is the most common MP3/DAP in the world!
(I wish us Sansa people could have this option - allow the stereo to control the player)

Lastly, while Mark was right, you can download and pay for mp3's via Rhapsody To Go, that would be missing the point. An mp3 player like the Sansa (actually most non-Ipod players, will allow you to download thousands of songs that you basically rent, you never own them.

Over time, you can load, and reload, and delete as many songs as you like, constantly changing your music library as you wish and as new releases come out. As long as you keep syncing your MP3 player and pay your $15/month, the songs will be fully licensed to you so you can listen to the files. however to burn (own) the song(s) you'll have to pay i think 89 cents per track.

If you decide to quit the service, the songs you have loaded on your device expire after 30 days, you delete them and move on with life.

Good luck...
