My '93 died so just bought an 08 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My '93 died so just bought an 08


New Member
August 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 XLT
Hey all! Just joined the forum..

I had a '93 XLT which I really liked, but was on Holiday and drove up a mountain road, 4000 feet up in 105 degree heat to view Mt St Helens.. This was apparently too much for the tranny and it gave up!

Had to make a quick decision and bought a 1 year old '08 from a Ford dealership to get home. Seems like a nice vehicle so far! I'm usually a "buy a 10 year old vehicle and drive it til it dies" kind of person, so this will be a new experience..

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As I read it- I thought... Good thing there was a Ford dealer on top of that mountain, huh? :D

Congrats on your new ride! :thumbsup:

Welcome to the forum:chug: Glad to see you bought another Explorer!

As I read it- I thought... Good thing there was a Ford dealer on top of that mountain, huh? :D

Congrats on your new ride! :thumbsup:

I wish there was.. had to hitch a ride 45 miles down, get a tow truck and back up and down again.. Dealership was about 15 min down the highway..

Welcome to this forum! Post a picture when you get a chance. Everybody here likes to see pictures of late model Explorers.

Except BrooklynBay- he prefers pictures of Aerostars... :D

Here ya go, Mike-



welcome u got pics of ur 08 x

nice explorer u got
