My A/C is not working. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My A/C is not working.


New Member
April 27, 2010
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04 Ranger 3.0
I hope someone can help troubleshoot the AC on an 04 Ranger 3.0. The compressor won't kick on.

The 134 charge is low but should be more than adequate to allow the clutch to engage. Fuse # 25 is good. AC clutch relay tests out ok. There is no voltage to the clutch with the key on and or the engine running. There is no voltage at the pressure switch.

Is there a fuse or fusable link that I am not finding? How can the switchgear on the dash be checked out?

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If the pressure switch is not reading adequate pressure, it will keep the compressor from kicking on, and I believe it will prevent it from even getting voltage, thus the pressure switch. I suspect either a too-low refrigerant level or a bad pressure switch.

What is the 134 pressure reading?

not kool

the 134 pressure is about 90

Not Kool

Thanks guys for the discussion. Finally got my hands on the truck again and with red face I must admit that the confusing docs had me looking at the wrong relay. Swapped out the relay and cold air came out where it should.
