My First Time 4x4'ing! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My First Time 4x4'ing!


Well-Known Member
March 19, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Kelowna, BC Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XL 4WD
It wasn't anything serious, I just drove up a old logging road in my area outside of the city.

I'm 30 and I have never owned a 4x4 before. Holy crap is it ever fun! I thought it was cool when I had it in 4LOW and had all four tires spitting up mud, I felt like a kid again, it was great.

As soon as I fix my clunking sounds I want to do some more 4x4. It's such a different experiance than driving on the road.

No point to this post, I just wanted to share my excitment!:D

One question, when I turned my wheels in 4LOW the front made a horrible sound, but I heard that's normal, is this true?


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Is the clunking occuring when you crank the wheel, or just a little?

And when you start 4-wheeling, you'll never want to stop.:D

Its an addictive hobby:)

damn, another on ebitten by the bug. Have fun:D

Reminder::::: 4LO is only intended for when all 4 wheels can spin freely and without any restrictions.

i heard that the niose you heard is common, its because the wjeels are spinning at different speeds. the same thing happened to me. i don't rev it way up in 4low anymore, though.

Also..... 4wd LO is not meant for speed. You should always stay below 10 mph with it.

Originally posted by MattStarr
Also..... 4wd LO is not meant for speed. You should always stay below 10 mph with it.

oh you are!? I didnt know that im a firm believer in
"balls to the wall" wheeling... muskrat and a few others know what im talking about :p :D

When you can't crawl, romp on it:D
We all have the dents and scars to show for lines we probably should have avoided, but succesfully completed
