My frame swapped, v8, SASd Sport, conversion. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My frame swapped, v8, SASd Sport, conversion.



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Flexes Well !! , Pic Of The Passenger Side Where The Rear Is Flexed Would Be Cool , But Those Two Pics Are NICE !!

Yea , I have more pics just havent had time to upload them. Trying to finish few little things. I need to get my AC charged and ancor down sub box. Been so busy getting ready for SMORR 2012.

Updates, got AC working. Love it

Axles are forsale, but unsure.......

Some updated pics and then some thoughts and ideas.







Things I want to do.

-Front bumper with more protection and Winch
-Rear Bumper with tire carrier, gas carrier, cooler carrier.
-Rock sliders
-Roll Cage

If I keep axles that are under it. I'm thinking ARB front locker, RCV or chromoly front shafts with full circlips.
Rear super 88 kit. axle truss
-Currie Anti sway bar universal kit
-Need to add back in rear spring, rear settled and with weight is lower than front.

-Trade out rims for actual aluminum TR beadlocks

I think, thats about it.

Also really liking this bolt in engine cage coilover mount. This is what I'm thinking if I go 60 front this will be setup I want to run.

More references:

Front high steer arms I want:

Took me a while to find this, but apparently Kage Longarms are now made under different name, I like the weld on setup that gets rid of wedges and bushings.

This is nice rear 10.25 disk brake setup I like!! Also rear axle tube diameter is 3.5
