My "New" 2005 Black Explorer Limited.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My "New" 2005 Black Explorer Limited....

Picked this up yesterday. Had high miles for being one year old but got decent deal on it. Its a 2005 black Explorer Limited with all options from rear buckets to DVD to moonroof. Its a nice upgrade from my beat up '91 4x2 Explorer!!






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Very nice upgrade. How many miles were on it? Looks good though :thumbsup:


ExplorerDMB said:
Very nice upgrade. How many miles were on it? Looks good though :thumbsup:


40k on the 2005 and 200k on the '91.

Very nice......I love it.....I just bought an '05 Explorer XLT white.......

very nice looking....that stereo and air vent configuartion seems a bit odd to me.

SkanlaxJMO said:
very nice looking....that stereo and air vent configuartion seems a bit odd to me.

Thanks! Yeah it is odd but I like it ok. It has the indash 6disc CD/MP3 stereo above and climate controls under the vents. I like the Explorer alot, only complaint so far is the crappy factory subwoofer :(

What size rims are those factory chrome rims? I would love to get a hold of some of those......Also do they have the TPMS in them?

Sweeeet!! :thumbsup:

That things is hot... love those Cromes on it

eDg3 oF cHa0s said:
What size rims are those factory chrome rims? I would love to get a hold of some of those......Also do they have the TPMS in them?

17" and yes it does have the TPMS. During heavy rain driving I sometimes get a TPMS fault but other than that its been good to me.

nice new explorer, how much did you let you 91 2wd go for?

Sold that to my parents for a grand. They needed a beater for winter. It was a Texas truck so the body was in very good cond. and never had any problems mechanically.
